re rigid or smooth????/
Hi there,
Ahh summer is just around the corner here in Australia. Ha ha.
I have been researching deformation processes in Maya for a while now.
my latest techinque is to use smooth binding (minimum weight painting) on SUBD geometry (poly's and nurbs same) with wire deformers to control muscle,bone and ligament deformations.
It is quite simple to setup:
smooth bind the character
make the character's skin 'live'
draw nurbs curves where you want to control the deformation, ie. around a joint (elbow for example)
create falloff curves by same method away (say up the arm near armpit and at forearm) from elbow joint.
duplicate the original curve at elbow and move away from geometry.
create a wire deformer using the created curves (with holders option using the falloff curves)
parent the wire curves to the appropriate bones
select the duplicated original curve and then the original curve (at elbow) and create a blendshape deformer from this.
Using Set driven key create deformation effects for when the arm is straight and fully bent (connect blendshape with rotation of elbow joint). The moved cv's on the blendshape curve will effect the area of the elbow joint creating nice muscle, bone and ligament deformations.
for added realism
select the characters skin and create a jiggle deformer to create secondary motion when the arm moves (upper arm flab moving around etc..) paint where you want to jiggle deformer to be (helps speed up interaction) and also the jiggle weight.
A dodgy Arm example link:
Hope this helps
re Jim
Mayan elder......only in years.....