Introduction to Maya - Modeling Fundamentals Vol 1
This course will look at the fundamentals of modeling in Maya with an emphasis on creating good topology. We'll look at what makes a good model in Maya and why objects are modeled in the way they are.
# 1 11-04-2006 , 09:01 AM
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What made you wana start CG?

What mae you wana start CG?

# 2 11-04-2006 , 10:41 AM
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Something different to Bartending.

# 3 12-04-2006 , 02:36 AM
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i just had the idea when i was young to start.

# 4 13-04-2006 , 02:56 AM
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Photoshop was too easy to master, and just watching all those CG movies inspired me.

# 5 13-04-2006 , 08:02 PM
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Studying art, getting interested in animation. Then I came from traditional 2d to flash, then to after effects and I guess the logical end had to be maya. Still enjoy 2d handmade stuff though. For me the most interesting animtions combine the two.

# 6 14-04-2006 , 09:37 AM
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my brother and a few friends have been doing CG for a couple of years. though i was too lazy to give it a shot. i would mostly just watch them.
when i watched cg films like incredibles and finding nemo they inspired me too learn. but the day when i watched spirits within i was determined to learn this new skill..

A pint of example is worth a gallon of advice!!
# 7 14-04-2006 , 12:27 PM
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a year and a half ago I saw someone making a 3d animation with maya, and I got PLE soon after, and, 1 year ago, I bought a licence for non commercial use for Maya 6.5

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# 8 14-04-2006 , 03:43 PM
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hey mattTheMan, how much was the student license? I can use maya in college, but I cannot trasfer the ple files to the full version so I can't really work at home. I was thinking about getting a student license if it's not tooo much.
And do you know if you can still publish work you have created with a student license as long as you don't make any profit, say entering it in a film festival.

# 9 14-04-2006 , 04:23 PM
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Sure you can- as long as nobody profits off of it

And I don't know how much the license costed- I got it for my BDay and I get in trouble for asking how much my presents costed... but im sure it wasnt more than $300

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# 10 14-04-2006 , 05:12 PM
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I actually found a list, but it is a bit more pricy then that at least in the uk. Unlimited is like 300 pound, its a bit much, "cough" "cough". And complete is like 240...
I"ll see.

# 11 22-04-2006 , 01:11 AM
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going back to topic. i started wanting to do 2D animation but when i got to college there wasnt any classes for it only 3D, and although i do enjoy 3D i still wanna do 2D.

# 12 24-04-2006 , 05:48 PM
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I had been working as a traditional painter - By the end of 2004 I was pretty disillusioned with making paintings and then a pretty severe case of carpal tunnel syndrome put me out of commission for three or four months. Around mid-2005 my girlfriend took a part-time course in maya and so we ended up buying a PC and a copy of 6.5. After watching her work with the program I realised that maya was the way forward and the rest is history...
user added image

Last edited by arran; 24-04-2006 at 08:59 PM.
# 13 25-04-2006 , 06:03 AM
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I guess watching Final Fantasy CG movies really inspired me and all other CG ones, plus I have always wanted to make an animation of my own. Although i'm learning maya by myself as a freshmen in college, I regret the fact that I didn't know about Maya untill 6 to 7 months ago from a friend >_<...that's why i'm doing my best to learn it in every way that i can to catch up what i have been missing out for the past years...T_T

9 months into Maya...and still learning...
0 experience with any other 3D programs
# 14 26-04-2006 , 03:35 PM
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Although, i just started out a year ago, but i am planning to have a job in the CG industy once i'll graduate user added image

# 15 06-05-2006 , 12:56 PM
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I was always into media type things, like making flash animations, web design and digital art in general, and I wanted to go up a step so the only logical thing was CG. My cousins husband works in the video game industry and works alot in maya that is how I got Unlimited. I am very happy that I am learning this skill as a freshman in highschool so hopefully by the time I graduate I will have an impressive enough portfolio

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