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# 1 26-07-2006 , 08:55 PM
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Plymouth
Posts: 5

Maya's UV editor, am i missing somthing or is it just weird

Hi All,

Quite new to Maya but not 3dStudioMAX,

i have sucsessfully textured a garden stone wall (yay) but through using the UV editor i must say that im finding it much harder to use when comparing it to max's one...perhaps its me being new to it, but here is my problem.

when i have planner mapped a surface and taken it into the UV editor how do you move seprate parts once they land on top of one another!??? i cant it wont let me move them

i can rightclick and go into UV mode and pull points..which is fine but say i want to select a face or a number of faces at once. i do it and the rest of the UVs disappear except the one i have selected (its orange)...but i want to select them all like i can in max and simply move then around and see the other ones as do i do this?? in MAX its "select element" which will select all the sewed / merged parts for me to quickly move around and manipulate.

Please help if anyone could shead some light on what im doing wrong or point me to a UV editor tutoral that would help me out id appreciate it.


Paul w

Last edited by paulw; 26-07-2006 at 08:57 PM.
# 2 27-07-2006 , 12:02 AM
vladimirjp's Avatar
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select one UV from the shell u want, hold down CTRL then right click.
and drag over the "to shell" option.
thisoption is also found in the menu bar of the UV editor.
about the faces ting, thats how maya is.

u can select the UV's, then convert them to faces, or vice versa, that might help.

# 3 29-07-2006 , 08:41 AM
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Plymouth
Posts: 5
thx vlad thats just what im after cheers


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