Just to let you know you are not crazy.
Me too, I'm working with v.8.0 since 2 months and there ARE some bugs like the very ones you described. The bug with the extruding and the split polygon tool are the ones that irritate me the most. (Since I'm fairly new to the prog I can't really tell more about other bugs).
Unfortunatly I haven't found the combo to the solution for the split poly tool, the other solution I already had... and so do you!
Apart from that I need to import 3DS models into Maya but it just doesn't seem to work. I downloaded the bonus tools at the area site (from Autodesk), but that just don't work! any ideas? Oh btw, I'm on a Mac, so bear with me in your explanations.

too_tough_to_die@mac.com (AIM)
Always up for a chat !