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# 1 05-10-2006 , 03:19 PM
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 32

smoothing groups

hi, i was wondering if there is a option for smoothing groups as in 3ds max. i want to smooth an object but do not want to use the subd option. i know there is a smooth option in polygons but is doesnt seem to do what i want it smooths too much. the areas where i have extruded or added polygons can be seen. in 3dmax i could chose a smoothing group and it would do so without adding any more vertices.
when i press 1, 2 ,3 for subd display smoothnessit does not make any difference. does it not work on polygons?

i hope someone can understand my gibbersih here.


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# 2 05-10-2006 , 04:19 PM
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 32
sorry to bombard but does anyone know how to link objects? not so they are attached but so u can move the parent object andchild go with it.


# 3 05-10-2006 , 06:43 PM
mr pix.'s Avatar
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for the first question try selecting the faces, then subdivide.

Edit Polygons > Subdivide.

As for linking. Select the first object, shift select the object you want to follow, then go to constrain > parent

those who succeed are only the failures that never gave up.
# 4 05-10-2006 , 07:09 PM
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 32
thanks. i have done the parent thing. i thought when u did that, that when u select the parent, the children move with it. as in 3ds max. is this not the case?

i have also done the subd thing, but it turned out the same when i rendered it....anyway of smoothing without subd?

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# 5 05-10-2006 , 07:12 PM
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 32
no it does move...i did something wrong...but it dublicated the child...and made it look weird...arghhhhhhhhhh

dunno why everything i try goes tits up.


# 6 05-10-2006 , 08:12 PM
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 32
this is what happened when i parented the windows and door to the cottage. massive cottage behind it!!

why does this happen?

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# 7 06-10-2006 , 01:21 AM
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Posts: 408

Originally posted by mpepperhouse
thanks. i have done the parent thing. i thought when u did that, that when u select the parent, the children move with it. as in 3ds max. is this not the case?

i have also done the subd thing, but it turned out the same when i rendered it....anyway of smoothing without subd?

When you subdivide -- it adds extra polygons. The problem is you wanted to SMOOTH the polygons -- Subdivide doesn't do that.

Here's the tool you *could* use: Smooth (should be right near subdivide).

Unfortunately... smooth sucks. Hard to control and adds polygons where it shouldn't... smooths wrong, etc. The BEST thing you could do is as follows...

BEST method -- assuming your mesh is all combined and all vertices are merged (welded in Max), use (in the script textbox under the animation timeline)

polySoftEdge -a minimum angle of effect, either 0 for completely hard, 180 for completely smooth

Note -- If the shading doesn't work... delete all history (assuming nothing's skinned or weighted) and (under normals menu) "Set normals to face". That will reset the normals to perpendicular to face.

# 8 06-10-2006 , 01:42 AM
arran's Avatar
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I think you need to group the objects (ctrl G) rather than parent them.

# 9 06-10-2006 , 11:10 AM
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 32
you are both amazing. yay!!!!!
the group and soft edge has worked. thank you very very much. i am gradually learning maya. it is slowly going in my head.

thanks again!!user added image

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