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# 1 30-11-2002 , 02:14 AM
tariqrf's Avatar
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angry with the world!!!!!

i just switched on my TV and was watching the Fox news channel.... am i angry with these people.... ok, 4 israelis died, i do feel sorry for them..... but when 4 people die they(FXNWSCHNL) tell as if another tragedy like the WTC had happened.. when 200 people in palestine die.... they dont even care!!!!

why can everybody in the world be like this forum???, friendly, no matter where the people are from, what they do, irrespective of nothing... they help out each other... man, this is the only place where i could say something openly(i hope)....

btw, i dont want to get banned from posting, just delete this thread if its too offensive

Last edited by tariqrf; 30-11-2002 at 03:07 AM.
# 2 30-11-2002 , 03:39 AM
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It’s not offensive, it is however a tragedy when anyone dies before there time, regardless of nationality, the news well its bias to a degree its human nature.

Fox news is crap ne way it will cover world events in 10 mins then have 4 hours on a special celebrity shoplifting case, or 40 minutes on some famous guys new haircut its not even news anymore, for the most part its just entertainment.


From a readers' Q and A column in TV GUIDE: "If we get involved in a nuclear war, would the electromagnetic pulses from exploding bombs damage my videotapes?"
# 3 30-11-2002 , 04:12 AM
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i mean.. the Fox is just against my re******....

# 4 30-11-2002 , 04:29 AM
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Religion gets left at the door here, do what you like in the privacy of your own home, just don’t bring it here.

In this place your nation less, religion less and above all polite as soon as ppl start discussing religion things tend to go down hill very rapidly.

Politics is fine just try and leave the religion out of it please.

One of the nice things about the net is it lets you talk to people you wouldn’t normally come into contact with, the longer you do it the more you see we are pretty much all the same really we all pretty much want the same things, good health, nice family or just a nice lifestyle, few beers or a night out every now and then and most people would be happy, just a few nutter's around that tend to ruin it for the rest of us user added image


From a readers' Q and A column in TV GUIDE: "If we get involved in a nuclear war, would the electromagnetic pulses from exploding bombs damage my videotapes?"
# 5 30-11-2002 , 05:54 AM
undseth's Avatar
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I sometimes feel very annoyed by the lack of information that is conveyed by the media or even governments. I am at peace that the newspapers arent able to "keep up to date with" "truth", but I symphatize or see the point of tariqrf.

I was suprised to see David denote that politics "is fine", so here's some of my thoughts;

I could (but I won't) say that I sympatize with with governments/organizations taking armed response or by likewise methods, up agains threats (allegedly named as legitimate fear)...... BUT... I say that the formost parties (at government level) of this conflict (which isn't terrorists or armed rebels) are way out of line in making efforts to contribute to a peaceful solution for conflicts in the middle east (Israelies/Palistinians).

I dont know much about the Palistinian government and its ability to govern its people, BUT I say that Israel and its supporters (supporters to IDF's armed response) is an aberration, when taking into concideration the scope and history of the conflict around the area known as Israel.

I didn't weep or mourn for the victims of the attack on WTC (I don't live in USA and I refuse to weep on command, although it was horrible and I feel that this attack on sivilians was cruel/evil.

I dont weep or mourn for casualties in either a terrorist-group, IDF or US Armed Forces.

Too bad my government has taken a vague (I feel so) stance in response to various conflicts around the world.

Hehe we have a funny radio commercial on the radio these days in Norway: its a joke, and a commercial for a newspaper (blah!) where there's an (fake) audio clip supposedly presenting the start of a party-meeting of the government party, to the prime minister in Norway (coalition government)
we hear this all-song "Home of the brave/THE STAR-SPANGLED BANNER", then the crowd settles down and we hear the voice of our prime minister starting his party meetinguser added image.

I do not support Bush! Nor Saddam! Long live UN!
# 6 30-11-2002 , 04:11 PM
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I work at a tv news station in california, and let me tell you, these people only tell you what they want to tell you. they shamelessly embellish, distort and fabricate all that they air. it's sad but at the same time they are earning thier living even though they lie.

the day we stop thinking is the day we start sinking
# 7 30-11-2002 , 10:34 PM
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I think the saddest thing for me to see is the changes from when I was growing up. The world has become more "liberalized" meaning do what you want, when you want, as you want, with no resposibilities for your actions. The world is becoming polarized right now with two opposing camps, one says I will kill you because you are different from me, the other says I will kill you because you want to kill me. Just a very sad world today user added image

I say live and let live...unless you threaten my friends and family, then it's live and let die.


Red bellows of flame have blackened my stones
Convulsing my frame and cracking my bones
Hell's dragons of steel who roar in their chains
Crawl into my caves to suck out my veins.....

-The Mountain P.F.M.
# 8 03-12-2002 , 04:39 AM
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Unfortunately the Fox New channel is probably not the best place for unbiased news.

Too bad most americans are not aware of this.

# 9 03-12-2002 , 06:15 AM
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Fox has a conservative slant to it, others have a liberal slant to them, very difficult to get pure facts nowadays...everything is filtered by political viewpoint unfortunately. Take for instance the two big Washington papers. Washington Post is as liberal as they come and the Washington Times is as conservative as they come. Read the same story in both and you will get the same facts but each will jump to a different conclusion as to the cause of the incident. Unfortunately I don't believe most people are capable of distinguishing between conjecture and fact...if they were the world would certainly be a nicer place to live user added image

Now throw into that the fact that labels in one country may have a completely opposite meaning in another country and....well you get the picture user added image


Red bellows of flame have blackened my stones
Convulsing my frame and cracking my bones
Hell's dragons of steel who roar in their chains
Crawl into my caves to suck out my veins.....

-The Mountain P.F.M.
# 10 03-12-2002 , 09:21 PM
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I tend not to watch the news.....they overdue everything....I feel for the people that die for "really" no reason at all....regardless of race or religion or wether or not I agree with what their culture calls normal. To me Human is Human.....we are all the same....period!!!!

# 11 03-12-2002 , 09:42 PM
tariqrf's Avatar
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exactly!!! i am so happy that americans(and others) are aware of that ******g channel!!!, i dont watch it too, but i wanted to know what the american media is showing that is making the people turnover against us??!!!

# 12 04-12-2002 , 05:18 AM
undseth's Avatar
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Originally posted by tariqrf
...that is making the people turnover against us??!!!

I don't think I disrespect you tariqrf for saying this (if anyone hear this they better go see a doctor user added image ), but it is hard to comment your remark if it is based on hearsay.

As hearsay has a certain bias, which could be said to be based and more importantly, depending on certain "truths/constituted facts (I say all facts/"truths" are constituted=meaning produced".

So I have a hard time to symphatize with statements that I feel (put in an other word here if it suit you guys) exists on the bias alone. If we can agree that people are indeed "turning against us/them" then we have a common ground to depart from (a little metaphor here), but not until then. (Besides the common ground thing is just a phrase, we can be "everywhere" and nobdy can actually tell)

The bottom lines here are; that I have to say, that we have a lot of communicating to do before we all (or at least I) can feel symphathetic to each others (others)point of view. Ethics has no boundries I say, and "facts" are too lacking or excessive to be the real deal.

I'd like to hear more from you, but the moderators here may want to keep the board from becoming too heated.

And please don't be offended David of what I will now say (if you guys hear anything, go see a shrink user added image ), but to agree that politics (if I understand you right) is a conceded topic in the this thread and religion is not, is in my view either an aberration, obviously a sencoring or perhaps narrowness that discriminates our way of living. user added image

# 13 04-12-2002 , 05:31 AM
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people have a tendancy to unfortunately equate any group with the actions of individual members of that group...

No matter who or what, it's not a good thing to do... whether it be saying "all muslums are bad because of the World Trade Center" or "all Christians are bad because of the abortion clinic bombings or the Crusades"

I know I'm fringing on religion, but that's just an unfortunate response of the unintelligent masses... user added image

# 14 04-12-2002 , 04:14 PM
tariqrf's Avatar
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exactly!!!! thats what i want to say to the world!!! man am i so happyy!!

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