hey thanks there R@nSiD, I was hoping to learn a lot from this. Rigging and animating too, maybe take a mesh into MotionBuilder, do some BASIC stuff in Z-Brush. I know Gster put me on to a basic Z-brush tut but my computer couldnt download any zips at that time and thats why Simon sent me the franky tuts.
Hope you keep a tab, I'll need help later with stuff like that. I have some tuts but even the most basic digi tut are a little past me and 'the bouncing ball animations..?? well, i started on that and is simple key framing. You've inspired me to spend at least an hour today on the hands. As I said, (and everyone else it seems0) Kurt has come up with a great tut here that all people (I have a dream that one day ALL people will be equal in the eyes of...
) can use and take to whatever level they need. The cartoon dog.., I hate that dog
(sorry Kurt
) is too scary for me. this one is great.., oh yea, want to get the texturing thing down with too (Franky), maybe the cloth (freee) tut (Kurt AGAIN ??, doesn't that lad ever rest?) would sit well with this too, its a great tut to experiment with.
take it easy and life will be easy
Last edited by mirek03; 06-01-2007 at 09:36 PM.