Introduction to Maya - Modeling Fundamentals Vol 1
This course will look at the fundamentals of modeling in Maya with an emphasis on creating good topology. We'll look at what makes a good model in Maya and why objects are modeled in the way they are.
# 1 03-01-2007 , 05:23 PM
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that mech from 3d-palace

iam gonna (hopefully) be making the apu from 3d-palace. i scanned through the tut and whoa i was impressed with the details and complexity of the model but he did it all using very simply stuff. shows how good he is with primitive tools. like boxes and chamfers. even though the tut is for max i would highly recommend this tut for ppl who are looking for tuts on polywork. he constantly repeats the same procedures yet it turns out with some awesome results. i would say just about any mayan who knows the basics of modeling would be able to follow along just fine. basically all you need to know is how to make cylinders, boxes, split poly tool, extrude and bevel. not to difficult. updates might not come in very often. maybe up to once or twice a week. depends how iam doing. so with that said lets get on. really hope i get to finish this. i just about have the toe done, but gonna show the steps that i used.

starting off with the creat poly tool i roughed out the basic shape. then extrude the face. the did some beveling.

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# 2 03-01-2007 , 05:24 PM
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the beveled and extruded face.

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# 3 03-01-2007 , 05:26 PM
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oops kinda big images. a bit more work on the toe done. user added image
wedged some faces, more beveling and a bolt thingie ontop of it.

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Last edited by 13th_resident; 03-01-2007 at 05:29 PM.
# 4 03-01-2007 , 05:28 PM
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Cool, theres a tool in maya that would have done that for you, Polygons->Wedge would have done the arc from a cube shape (just so you know for next time!

Never seen the tutorial so looking forward to updates from ya!

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# 5 03-01-2007 , 05:31 PM
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oh yeah i forgot to mention that i wedged the faces to make the arch. thats why i edited my post. but yeah i already have half the foot done. just showing the steps that i gone through.

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# 6 05-01-2007 , 11:50 PM
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Thanks so much for posting that site - it has a Dreadnought tutorial which I have been looking for for ages! Are any of their DVDs in Maya or do they all teach for 3dsMAX?

I'll be feverishly checking this project as I'm dying to model a mech and hopefully I can learn a few things from you
Good luck!

# 7 06-01-2007 , 04:29 AM
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if your gonna do the maya dreadnought then i would suggest you do the xsi one aswell. its simple really. you have to pay to get the max one of the dreadnought.

Originally posted by ZeroAlarm
Are any of their DVDs in Maya or do they all teach for 3dsMAX?

nope, dont have a maya dvd yet. but in probably 2 weeks or something 3dpalace will be releasing a maya dvd. theres this max tutorial there (its like 80 hours long) its called the ultimax armageddon. a huge robot, and really cool. well the maya dvd thats coming out soon is call the apocalypse. instead its a huge spaceship that soars the skys. so yeah a maya dvd is coming out real soon.

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# 8 06-01-2007 , 12:05 PM
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Originally posted by 13th_resident
if your gonna do the maya dreadnought then i would suggest you do the xsi one aswell. its simple really. you have to pay to get the max one of the dreadnought.

nope, dont have a maya dvd yet. but in probably 2 weeks or something 3dpalace will be releasing a maya dvd. theres this max tutorial there (its like 80 hours long) its called the ultimax armageddon. a huge robot, and really cool. well the maya dvd thats coming out soon is call the apocalypse. instead its a huge spaceship that soars the skys. so yeah a maya dvd is coming out real soon.

Cheers for the advice! I don't mind which package they're for too much as I've only learnt a bit of Maya so switching won't be hard. Just as long as they're easy for beginners to follow?
I'll look out for that Maya one

# 9 07-01-2007 , 08:37 AM
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While I applaud your desire to have a 'clean' model (or rather, to make sure everything is either in triangles or quadrilaterals), I'm afraid your making a bit of a mess of it. Usually (or, well, this is how I do them, unless someone knows better) things should traverse to a single midpoint, either for the entire face, or along a single edge. For example, the largest face, for the 'foot' sholud have all the division edges meet at a midpoint along the base, and then split the underside. Yes, that gives you a few extra faces, but it makes the geometry a little more... 'natural', maybe? Also, if at all possible, you should try to avoid carrying more than the absolutely necessary number of divisions across an edge. If you look at the half-circle at the front of the face, you're carrying all of your division lines to the outside of the next face - combine them to the midpoint of the first line - this should save you a number of faces. Oh... and one more thing.... you've missed a couple of faces that have more than four sides....

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# 10 07-01-2007 , 01:01 PM
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since iam not planning on animating this model or whatever iam not paying much attention to the actual geometry on the model. iam just following along the tut. when i first started off the first thing i would obviously noticed was how messy was the guys mesh in the tut. but he just passes right over it. so iam not paying to much attention on having a clean model. there are like a thousand places where i can either cut down the geometry of make if a clean mesh. i dont remember saying i wanted a clean model. if i did well then this toe here would look a heck lot diff. so yeah i dont care about the geometry. its my problem if i want to keep it that way.

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# 11 08-01-2007 , 05:18 AM
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2 toes completed

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# 12 08-01-2007 , 05:20 AM
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added some more toes and a simple platform. yeah crappy render.

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# 13 11-01-2007 , 02:36 AM
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the back part of the foot

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# 14 11-01-2007 , 02:38 AM
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and the shin. kewl, the leg is not far from being finished. just the upper part then the cables.

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# 15 12-01-2007 , 12:07 AM
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upper leg is pretty much done. there was lots of beveling and copying and extruding. man been working for hours. but its lots of fun. cant wait for the next part.

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