Substance Painter
In this start to finish texturing project within Substance Painter we cover all the techniques you need to texture the robot character.
# 1 03-11-2007 , 01:54 PM
djknucklez1's Avatar
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Wireframe render is killing me

Quick question. I'm trying to remember how to render the wireframe on my object so i can post up my mesh. How are you guys doing it? I used to do in in playblast and using the vector render. I can't believe I forgot!

EA Games
# 2 03-11-2007 , 06:44 PM
Rhetoric Camel's Avatar
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usually what most people do is make the wireframe on shaded visible, and then just take a screen shot, paste it in photoshop and save it. Thats the easiest way to do a wireframe shot.

or you can do the vector render like you said

Do a wireframe render of your model. I came across a site with the instructions here:

Here are the instructions copied over (you need the vectorrender.mll plug in turned on Windows>Setting/Preferences>Plug-in Manager)

-Window -> Preferences-> Plugin Manager

-Turn VectorRender.mll on

Go to render globals-> open Maya Vector tab

for wireframe render

Render Globals:

File Name Prefix: "Your_image_name"

Frame/Anim Ext: name.#.ext

Image format: Targa

Start and end frame

Maya Vector TAB:

Appearance Options:

Curve Tolerance= 0

Detail Level Preset:

Automatic or High Quality (blurs the lines)

* = Fill Objects

Fill Style: Single Color

= Show Back Faces (On or Off depends on your goal, I would leave it on)

* = Include Edges

Edge weight=Hair

or 0.200 (any value, makes the wireframe’s line width thicker)

Edge Style = Outline

* = Edge Detail:


Heres my vector render, they're pretty cool, look kind of hand animated, old cartoon style
user added image

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