Ideas:- Extruded Earth Globe
Basically i am asking the same thing that i asked in Poly Modeling section. The ideas that i have in mind in order to make extruded continents on earth globe are the following:
Take an image of the world map, place it on the grid, then in front or side view (depends how one oriented the image plane) start tracing the outline of continents. When one is done with tracing the outlines, we will have couple of closed 2d curves.
Option a:- Create a sphere then some how wrap the closed curves around it. Then do outline extrusion ...
Option b:- Create a sphere and then Pick each closed curve or continent separately and project it on the sphere .....
What you suggested earlier.
Texture the earth with the world map. Use split poly's ....
Please suggest what will be the most appropriate.
Moreover, please tell me the flaws in my ideas.
I really appreciate your help.