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# 1 20-07-2008 , 12:23 PM
OzolianLocrian's Avatar
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Museum Scene

This is a museum setting scene that I shaded and lit for a class that I'm currently taking. Suggestions or criticism would be greatly appreciated.

Attached Thumbnails

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# 2 20-07-2008 , 02:13 PM
publicFunction's Avatar
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I needs some fill lights... It looks a little dark...

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# 3 20-07-2008 , 02:41 PM
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Its missing some of the fundamental stuff like shadows and the lighting itself could use some work since it doesn't really set a mood or flatter any of the objects. The problem with the shaders in my opinion is that the bump may be a bit too high on a lot of the objects and I have a hard time figuring out what exactly the materials are supposed to be, for example I can't tell if the floor has rubber tiles or ceramic tiles. Not trying to be harsh, just honest critique. It won't happen overnight, keep at it. user added image

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# 4 20-07-2008 , 08:12 PM
arran's Avatar
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yeah - as gecT said, the main problem at the moment is that all of the materials look the same - everything is too shiny. try working on a spec map and concentrating on what objects would be shiny and reflective and which objects are not.

also - your textures just look way too clean and without any sign of wear - especially in a museum where there is likely to be dust and grime.

last - i'd lose the da vinci painting - it's too obvious and too well known - and it would be unlikely that a painting of that size would be hung in such a tight corridor and never with (what looks like) direct sunlight coming from windows on the opposite walls.

# 5 22-07-2008 , 08:58 PM
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Yeah, pretty much what everyone is saying, your lighting is a little bit off...

I think you should place some indoor lights in there, and maybe not so much of the outside sunlight. Like arran said, the painting doesn't quite fit in a tight corridor with sunlight shining directly on it.

Everything else is good. Adjust the lighting, etc, and it will be alot better.

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