Here is that new thread,

Just to reiterate, I have a gift box with a ribbon on the top lid and I am trying to simulate the box opening and then falling open with the lid w/ribbon reacting to the floor.
The art director needed to see something this morning, so I pacified him with this that is using no dynamics:
I tried some other options earlier, but things weren't reacting that well.
There is one test that had some promise, but it is on a different machine and I am away currently. Basically, I was able to setup a simulation this way:
Apply 2x2x2 deform lattice to ribbon and group with box lid.
Box lid and ribbon lattice group and box bottom all selected and apply gravity to make rigid objects.
Nurbs floor set as passive object.
Simulation reacting as expected.
Then chose ribbon lattice and set as soft body and adjusted weights to hold some rigidity.
Simulation starts pretty well with the lid remaining rigid and reacting to the floor and the ribbon looking pretty good as well with some nice wiggle. Problem at the end, though. The whole boxlid group somersualts upside down which is fine, but the ribbon just collapses under the box lid rather supporting it above the floor.
That was very long winded, sorry I don't just have another vid that would be more self evident. I will try and get it posted tomorrow, if that route is even worth persuing.
Thanks again for your time.
You guys rule!!