Introduction to Maya - Modeling Fundamentals Vol 1
This course will look at the fundamentals of modeling in Maya with an emphasis on creating good topology. We'll look at what makes a good model in Maya and why objects are modeled in the way they are.
# 1 24-12-2008 , 12:41 PM
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3D Misconceptions

Does anyone find that most [ignorant] people say 3d is easy and requires no skill?

At school we were discussing the definition of art and according to the dictionary its something that requires skill and eventually we came to 3d and immediately someone said "but that doesn't require any skill" and to my astonishment everyone agreed with him.

Just today i was showing my grandparents my baby elephant model and my ignorant brother who wants to learn 3d but cant be bothered said that he could do that really quickly even though hes never modeled anything in his life. He assumes its easy and says that it doesn't take long to learn [how to do everything in 3d]

Does anyone else find this a problem?

I want my brother to try 3D so he will see that its not so easy.....

# 2 24-12-2008 , 12:50 PM
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What do you care what anyone thinks, and your little brother is probably or a little jealous or he is just pulling your leg.
Remember that in the time of Vincent van Gogh everybody thought he sucked and now we pay miljons to get a little sketch from him.
don't do 3d for the rest of the world, just do it for yourself

# 3 24-12-2008 , 01:08 PM
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Well of course 3D doesn't require any skill... I mean, its like related to computers isn't it? user added image

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# 4 24-12-2008 , 01:13 PM
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Originally posted by mastone
What do you care what anyone thinks

because it's a bloody ******* pain in the ******* ass and i wish those mother ******* would die!
ok, not actually....but it is a pain in the ass when someone makes fun of you, or says you're doing something becaus of some label that doesn't even apply to you, or thinks your work is easy when you've had a ******* hard time doing it.
and it REALLY pisses me off when someone says 'you have too much time on your hands'... they don't say it to rally drivers or rugby players... how is this any different?

funny you should mention this, ele, cuz my cousin (whos like 28 or older... i dont actually know) was like 'you could just create the wedding in cgi'
i was like 'yeah that's totally gonna take longer and more effect than filming the wedding'
and hes like 'nah, you guys can do it really fast'

ok, he might have been trying to be nice (where the hell did anyone even know i can do cgi i'll NEVER know... i haven't shown anyone my work outside my friends) or perhaps he really did think it was easy from what he's seen

i think the common misconception about this stuff being easy comes from what they show in the 'behind the scenes' of films and games
all people see are others just moving a few polygons around or zooming around a map, but never do you see someone say 'this is how i made davy jones and it took me a month to make)


that's a "Ch" pronounced as a "K"

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# 5 24-12-2008 , 03:47 PM
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My favorite is when people are like, "ZOMG, YOU DREW THAT?!"

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# 6 24-12-2008 , 06:10 PM
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oh, yeah...

Mom: "My son does computer drawings!"
Me: "No mom, 3D Models"
Mom: "Ok"

it gets annoying.

and yeah elephant, I hate when people do that

Environment Artist @ Plastic Piranha
# 7 24-12-2008 , 06:23 PM
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Originally posted by Joopson
oh, yeah...

Mom: "My son does computer drawings!"
Me: "No mom, 3D Models"
Mom: "Ok"

it gets annoying.

and yeah elephant, I hate when people do that

Haha, every time my mom tries explaining stuff I yell at her. She thinks I'm into graphic design… after 2 years she still can't get it right. lol

# 8 24-12-2008 , 07:24 PM
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i had/still have trouble explaining camera tracking to my girlfriend, but apart from that never had people belittle what i want to do.

thankfully she and most of my friends understand artistic processes and therefore appreciate the hard work and effort that go into making a good model.

your brother is just young and -as was mentioned earlier- most likely jealous.

# 9 24-12-2008 , 07:33 PM
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I'm lucky I guess, everyone I associate with realizes it's hard work, especially my parents (mom mostly)

# 10 24-12-2008 , 10:13 PM
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My brother is actually older than me (and a member of mensa, as am i)......
The thing that angered me was that he was belittling my work in front of my relatives and saying its easy and pretending to know what hes talking about

and i do do it for myself...

my mum always says drawings as well.....

the thing that annoys me is that my brother genuinely believes its easy and that he could learn it in no time.

what i do like is when my nerd friend had the same opinion but then, not wanting to be hypercritical, tried it himself and found out that it is really quite difficult.

What REALLY annoys me though is that (background info: i used to do stopmotion animation) people were really impressed by my plastacine models and stopmotion animations that in comparison took no time at all yet they are all to quick to mock my 3d, ok im bad at it but a dam site better than them

# 11 25-12-2008 , 01:15 AM
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Originally posted by elephantinc
what i do like is when my nerd friend had the same opinion but then, not wanting to be hypercritical, tried it himself and found out that it is really quite difficult.


my mum doesn't even know what i do...
hell i dont even know what i do....

that's a "Ch" pronounced as a "K"

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# 12 25-12-2008 , 06:47 AM
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In my experience, I find people don't get the concept of 3D graphics. When I was in high school I used to show my work around. People would ask why I called it "3D" when it was flat (they expect IMAX).

Expaining any processes related to 3D graphics also results in lol. Once, I was chatting with a buddy about modelling and the guy next to me asked me, "What? You model?"

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C. P. U. Its not a big processor... Its a series of pipes!
# 13 25-12-2008 , 02:13 PM
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Originally posted by elephantinc
(and a member of mensa, as am i)......


# 14 25-12-2008 , 03:43 PM
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Ive noticed that traditional artists don't seem to respect 3D because once it is created it can easily be re-created, it isnt as uniqe or one of a time, which is kinda true except that they forget that the initial model has to be created from scratch.

My Mother is a painter and when i used to talk about 3D work i was constantly having to explain that it is much harder than it seems. Fortunatley dissapearing for hours at a time and constantly getting critique made her realise that it is hard.

I reccomend just reminding people that it is hard everytime it is brought up untill they just ignore you and pretend to agree.

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# 15 25-12-2008 , 09:22 PM
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I think that's the general attitude that people have when they "think" they know what something is about based hear say and/or dummied down, abbreviated information and not actually experiencing it with an open mind. Plus people seem to think because computers are involved its automatically effortless since the computer does EVERYTHING and all you do is sit there click stuff and look dumb.

Of course you have the people who think because something has been around longer is better and more respectable (I still think Van Gogh sucks) and if new things catch on too much there may no longer be a place for them, it makes them uncomfortable and they say what they want to say. Some people just don't respect art PERIOD, they'll probably think a shit smear on a canvas is deep and brooding if enough wealthy people say it is.

Then you have the people who wish they could but are not creative, or are too lazy to really give it a shot so they end up trying to piss on anyone who's making some headway.

Don't live based on what other approve, do your thing, they don't like it they can jump off a bridge, its your life and yours alone. That's it I'm done ranting.

- Genny
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