Integrating 3D models with photography
Interested in integrating your 3D work with the real world? This might help
# 1 25-01-2009 , 11:51 PM
Rhetoric Camel's Avatar
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Champy Lake Monster

I'm modeling a prehistoric dinosaur to hopefully put in a video of a lake. The lake I'm taking the video at is said to have a monster in it (like Loch Ness) Lake Champlain, the "monster" has been named Champ, or Champy. So I've been looking for pictures of plesiosaurs to model it after (it's what scientists have classified it as from reported sightings). I haven't found the best pictures but I'm doing what I can with as little as I have.

First two pictures, base mesh of the head, one normal and one smoothed.

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I might possibly take this model into mudbox if I can figure out how to use mudbox effectively (hardly every use it, only to fool around in)

Last edited by Rhetoric Camel; 25-01-2009 at 11:55 PM.
# 2 28-01-2009 , 01:54 AM
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alright so since last post I've done some more shaping of the head, made holes for the eyes, and some of the neck.

C&C welcome of course

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I've decided I'm going to go for the Cryptoclidus style of Plesiosaur with some alterations. Who's to say that if there is one (or if there is one there is probably others) in Lake Champlain that it hasn't adapted to it's environment and change? hehe.

# 3 29-01-2009 , 01:22 AM
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well since yesterday I've layed out the body and gave it flippers, little more detailing on the body needed. Still not sure if I want to attempt Mudbox I'd probably only make it worse. How much more detail other than texture is really needed? I know it needs some shaping in a few spots but other than that I don't know what kind of detail I'd be adding to it that I couldn't do with bump maps or something, right? Any C&C would be appreciated

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# 4 29-01-2009 , 07:21 AM
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is it going to be for animation? cos displacements will kill the render time.

...also, what are the bands around the flippers?

# 5 29-01-2009 , 07:27 AM
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looks good man, the flippers look robotic to me though, lik, the hard edges where it connects to the body, also it looks like there's a car panel type of gap between them and the body other than that great so far user added image

# 6 29-01-2009 , 07:10 PM
LauriePriest's Avatar
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If your going to use displacements id use renderman if you have it.

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# 7 29-01-2009 , 07:12 PM
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There not that bad, I never get worried abut render times (as long as its not like hours per frame) Just leave it overnight/weekend.

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# 8 29-01-2009 , 10:38 PM
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the little band around the flippers near the body is supposed to be the extra flab/skin there (I wasn't too keen on the way it looked either but I just quickly did it), it still needs work, maybe instead of it being bumpy like that it should just be kind of fat and have a round smooth look instead? I'll do more tweaking. Thanks for the advice I will fix this as soon as possible.

And yes there will be animation involved in this project, unfortunately though I don't have video of the lake that it will be in and since it's winter and the lake is frozen over in the area I want to film I have to wait until spring. Which hopefully wont be too much longer.

So if I can't get it looking the way I'd like it to with mudbox will bump and displacements be my next choice?

Oh and thanks for the comments.

# 9 30-01-2009 , 10:59 PM
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alright I've fixed the parts that connect the flippers to the body, can't remember if I had it before but I also put an eye in the eye socket. Any C&C is welcome as always, just feel the need to mention it anyway though.

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I'm think I'm about ready to layout UV's and bring into mudbox, wish me luck

# 10 31-01-2009 , 06:22 PM
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Well I've layed out UV's and I've brought it into mudbox, not really sure what else needs to be done to a smooth fast swimming flipper having sea monster, mostly gave the head some detail and the neck, body, and flippers a slight bit of bumpyness to it.... here is a couple pictures please let me know what you think.

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edit: Oh yeah I forgot to make teeth for the creature I will be doing that once I'm done in mudbox

Last edited by Rhetoric Camel; 31-01-2009 at 06:26 PM.
# 11 31-01-2009 , 08:04 PM
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In mudbox I changed the background to black for a preview of how it would look rendered in maya. I also used a couple stencils for some bumps and indents along the neck, back, stomach, and tail to brake up the complete smoothness. Hopefully to give it a better feel for an old reptile living in a lake.

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For a first time in mudbox I don't think I'm doing that badly. Now to try to figure out how to get this in maya, this should be fun. Then I will be working on the teeth and then off to give it some color. Updates for everything as it happens.

Last edited by Rhetoric Camel; 31-01-2009 at 08:09 PM.
# 12 31-01-2009 , 08:44 PM
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well I need help now. I didn't make different layers when making more subdivisions, so I think this is going to make it impossible to export what's needed from mudbox to maya.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, or please inform me if I'm right. I'd hate to have to start sculpting it again but would rather start that today if I get a response on this.

I'm working on my own personal deadline and I'm so close to meeting my own challenge with this project. So any idea if I screwed up because I didn't put the different subdivisions on different layers?

# 13 01-02-2009 , 12:55 AM
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Now I have no idea how to make my normal maps and displacement maps appear when I render with mental ray. Any ideas? The few things I found were for displacement maps and I had no luck.

Displacement Map:
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The displacement map doesn't seem very strong at all but everything seemed ok in mudbox you can see how it looked there in my previous post.

Normal Map:
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Normal map looks good to me, but then again I've never done any of this before so I could be wrong. I can't even seem to find anything on normal maps

What am I doing wrong?

# 14 01-02-2009 , 02:00 AM
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Alright I got it all figured out thanks to this video:
The guys accent is hard to understand and the video is blurry, but after countless rewinds and loud volume I finally figured out what was being said and how to do what needed to be done.

Render in mental ray, no lighting added, displacement map, about 4 minutes to render this 640x480:
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Now on to making the teeth and then painting on the uv's.

# 15 01-02-2009 , 03:03 AM
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well I'm off to go play rockband with the girlfriend for a while so I think I'm done with maya for the day/night

Did another render with a little bit of lighting. One point light underneath the model, one directional light to the side, and one directional light from the front:
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With the lights added it didn't increase render speed. But I also tried checking global illumination and final gather and maya crashed. Never really messed around with mental ray before either so I'm doing the best I can with no knowledge.

C&C please

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