Weird, Bloated renders in mental ray
Hi all. Using Maya 8.5 on a Precision 690, OS: XP Pro, 2 Gigs RAM
OK, I am doing a render of a scene which is going fine, except one piece of geometry renders as though it were somehow ridiculously inflated or bloated. It's a subdiovision. I have tried rendering it as a straight polygon, but it then appears semi bloated but also it looks shredded and torn or fractured.
When rendering as a subdiv the script editor provides this message after it completes the render:
"Warning: (Mayatomr.Geometry) : pasted__pasted__polyToSubdShape22, subdivision surface contains creases on boundary edges which are unsupported and have been ignored // "
Does anyone know how to fix these "creased" boundary edges which seem to be related to the strange, extremely bloated rendered geometry?
Any help would be most welcome.
Thanks, T