I too unfortunately happen to have a prob with playing a tut (perhaps i should have started a new thread - sorry). I've downladed WMP9 and DivX (and installed both ) and I downloaded the "Skeleton Basics - Part1" tut from the freebie section. It saved to my HDD as something like "vip_tutorial.pl"... I renamed it with "Skeleton Basics - Part1" (i kept the extention as ".pl" still) so I would actually remember what it was. Unfortunately it seems that neither WMP9 or the DivX Alpha player can open such a file.
Have I done something wrong, or is it just the wrong file altogether or is there a prob with the players i've got?
Thanks in advance
Take a glance at my <a href="https://forums.simplymaya.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=9428"><b>Porsche 959</b></a> WIP