Broken Simplify Curve...?
Hey guys, great to be here at my first maya community.
On the Graph Editor's Curves->Simplify curve, I have set tolerance values embarrassingly high (last attempt was 10000000) and very low with my curve selected in both Dense and classic modes with absolutely no changes to the curve to show for mad clicks on "Apply".
This happened when I was working alongside a DT video, on one of their project files. I was running on "Monkey See, Monkey Do" at that point, so I know I'm using the tool correctly.
To confirm the issue, I made a new scene with a sphere, jiggled it around for a new clip I duped and merged a few times for a complex curve. Simply Curve STILL didn't work.
...What's going on?
Last edited by zyrolasting; 04-05-2009 at 06:03 PM.