i only started today and have spent about 9 hours on it so lots more to do!

and the smoothed version

i disagreeOriginally posted by fusedgore
What you want to do is use a cylindar for legs,torso,arms ,basically everything but the head fro which you would use a box .Much easier when it comes time to smooth .What i mean by retopologizing is you want to take and reshape the body or the model.
I disagree too...Originally posted by fusedgore
What you want to do is use a cylindar for legs,torso,arms ,basically everything but the head fro which you would use a box .Much easier when it comes time to smooth .What i mean by retopologizing is you want to take and reshape the body or the model.
you can use NURBS, there are people who do that in MayaOriginally posted by daverave
Hi I am new to maya but come from lightwave were you get a better flow by using splines(curves) do you not use curves for modelling a man or woman? just a question dave