Introduction to Maya - Modeling Fundamentals Vol 1
This course will look at the fundamentals of modeling in Maya with an emphasis on creating good topology. We'll look at what makes a good model in Maya and why objects are modeled in the way they are.
# 1 13-10-2009 , 05:14 PM
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Absolut beginner


Didn't know where to write this question. I hope im at the right place here. So, i'm an absolute beginner in the world of 3d modeling and animation. My goal is the animation of movie characters, scenes etc.. If it's gonna stay a hoby, gets a freelancer jobs or a full time job...i cant say it now.

I have decided to use maya, most of the people say maya is very very good if i want to do movie animations. After this decision my first question is should i use maya 2009 or maya 2010? Ok "use the newer one" would be you're suggestion. But what about the learn material? Aren't they all written for earlier versions of maya?

My second question is...
If my priority is the animation, is it necessary to also be good in modeling things? If it is... i hope it isn't necessary to be a good drawer? I'm really really not good in drawing things.

Last but not least...
I found so many beginner sites with tut's. Could you suggest me some really good sites for beginners?

Sorry if the english wasn't perfect.

Thanks for aswers.

# 2 13-10-2009 , 06:38 PM
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Hey, welcome to simply maya!

Regarding maya versions, virtually all training material will be fine with newer versions (backwards, not as much). Though some menu names etc. change a bit, newer versions like 2010 won't lose functionality. That said, if you can get 2009 for significantly cheaper, go for it. 2010 has added built in compositing software, and some live tracking functionality with some minor stuff too... check out the what's new at autodesk for a full run-down. Almost all training out now uses 2009 and before, so you're not going to lose anything that way with choosing 2009.

So in short, check if there's new stuff in 2010 that you'd really like, don't worry too much about what version tutorials use, and check the price tag.

Regarding animation and modeling, no, it's not necessary to know modeling to do animation, but it does help. Also, you'll be able to make your own rigs to animate, and you'll have a better understanding of the whole program, especially if this is a hobby, it's good to know a bit about it all. Drawing? No, it's not necessary to be a good drawer, but, like the modelling, it does help. Sketch out your ideas for models and you'll get better over time. But don't let that stop you from modeling, you can still create great stuff even if you can't use a pencil.

Hope that helps you out. Ask more questions if you have them, there's lots of really helpful people on these forums.

# 3 13-10-2009 , 06:49 PM
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Thanks for your fast answer.

Good to now that about the drawing, then like you said i really cant hold a pencil user added image.
Could you suggest me a good tutorial or good tutorials to begin? There are sooo many out there, i got lost. I just dont know where to start user added image

About 1 Year ago, i allready wanted to start doing animations with maya, i found a real cool site with tutorials i liked. But then i got privat problems and had to cancel my plan to start with 3d animations. And now i cant find the site with the specific tutorials anymore user added image. Maybe you also can help me finding them. It wasn't a freeware site, the tutorials needed to be purchased, and the first one was a tutorial how to make something like a flying bike, from modeling the first screw over the textures and ending with the animation part.

I think i'm gonna learn the basics of modeling besides and concentrate me on the animation part.

Thank you a lot.

I forgot, are there any good books out there? I'm kind a person who likes having books to read, the problem's the same like the problems with the tutorials, there a bunch out there and i dont want to waste my money with a book that gets kicked in the edge cause it's not worth the money.

Last edited by amokfisch; 13-10-2009 at 06:52 PM.
# 4 13-10-2009 , 06:59 PM
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I think you're thinking of digital-tutors. They had a tutorial to create a hover-bike or something. They have a subscription based model now, where you pay per month or year and have access to all the tutorials. This is also a good site for tutorials, some free, some to purchase.

As for books, I can't really recommend any at the moment. I had Autodesk's Foundation for Maya 2009, which was mediocre. I'm sure other people have recommended books. If you do a search on the forums, I think there's a few other threads that visit the topic of good books.

# 5 13-10-2009 , 08:11 PM
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Hello amokfisch and welcome to SimplyMaya. I love seeing people taking an interest in 3d. I havn't done all the tutorials on this site but I agree with stwert, they are very good and you should learn quite a bit from them. Also, spend some time searching old threads on this site as you will find useful information regarding animation and learning resources.

I'm not an animator but one thing I've read over and over again (someone correct me if I'm wrong) but studying 2d animation is very useful, even though you'll be doing 3d animation. Study the different facial expressions and even silent movies where alot of the communication was done with body language. Having a character say "I'm sorry" with words is one thing, but having a character say "I'm sorry" with words and body is another.

Also, you can practice animation with just a 3d stick figure so don't worry bout having the best models to start off with. AND NEVER STOP LEARNING user added image.

Good luck m8..we look foward to watching you grow as a 3d artist.

P.S. The Maya Help Files have valuable info in them.

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# 6 13-10-2009 , 08:29 PM
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Re: Absolut beginner

Originally posted by amokfisch
But what about the learn material? Aren't they all written for earlier versions of maya?

the tutorials that come with maya are up-to-date and relevant to the version you're using,
before going into the tutorials you find online check those out... you'll gain enough of an understanding of the current interface that you can do the older tutorials and "translate" what they say to be relevant to the version you're using.

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# 7 14-10-2009 , 12:32 AM
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one book that i read that was helpful was "the game animators guide to maya". as it turns out the guy who wrote it is here on the forums, i had no idea. its way good and the book comes with some meshes that are good for practice animations. thanks a lot to mtnmckinley, that book has helped a lot.

# 8 14-10-2009 , 11:36 AM
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Originally posted by Perfecto
I've read over and over again (someone correct me if I'm wrong) but studying 2d animation is very useful, even though you'll be doing 3d animation.

I work with a girl who studied traditional animation, she is great at 2D animation and worked on some tv shows. however she really struggles with 3D.
She feels it is much harder to go from 2D to 3D, because there are more dimensions to consider. She finds it difficult to animate in maya because she gets focused on one perspective, and forgets about the look from other angles.

# 9 15-10-2009 , 06:36 PM
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Thanks all for the usefull reply's.
I'll try to hold ya up to date with my practice progress.

# 10 25-10-2009 , 08:38 PM
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Hey there!

I now just successfully masterd the bouncing ball tutorial, means i can now animate bouncing effects by my self without using tutorials. After that i looked for new tutorials for beginners, but couldn't find them. I searched digit tutors and gnomenworkshop, but even the beginner tutorials look to hard for me, for example " character animation fundamentals from chris kirschbaum". I watched the preview and oh hell that looks very hard. Also the character rig looked a way to complex for me at the moment.

I've read a few posts that its good to start with easy rigs like "moom" and just do some posings without any animation.
I think ill go that way and learn to set up some poses before going further in animation.

But if someone knows a good tutorial to begin with that has non complex rigs, i definitly would be glad to know it.


# 11 25-10-2009 , 09:20 PM
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Yep, the maya help files have some very basic rigging tutorials. Check out the F1 help files under Learning Resources.

# 12 27-10-2009 , 06:36 PM
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90% of what Ive learned, came from the Maya Help files (F1 while in Maya).

- Hybrid
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