ah ic. I recall fiddling with this in the past. I will diddle around and see if I can get you a solution.
I put a video project together with my brother and I needed a funny intro so I took the Warner Brother logo and had it come forward until it appeared to hit the camera. The W teeters and then flips down so it becomes an M and the sash swirls in and around and read "Mulawa Bros. Production" then the whole thing falls apart and drops out of frame making lots of clanking noises. I could not find the avi but here is some of the test renders and configurations.

I made the letters and the frame using illustrator art and I believe the version of maya at the time was 8.5. I am looking at the files trying to remember the process. I'll post back soon.
"If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." Sir Isaac Newton, 1675
Last edited by ctbram; 19-01-2010 at 04:30 AM.