Complex UV Layout in Maya
Over the last couple of years UV layout in Maya has changed for the better. In this course we're going to be taking a look at some of those changes as we UV map an entire character
# 1 18-02-2010 , 10:39 AM
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maya to lightwave

need help, i love using maya, and i cant use lightwave, but i have to use lightwave in my uni for my assignments, i was wondering is there a way to import maya objects to lightwave, so i can work in maya and then import them into lightwave to make it look like i worked in lightwave :attn:

the more I Think I know about Maya the less I seem to know about it.

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# 2 18-02-2010 , 10:55 AM
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.obj files work well.

"No pressure, no diamonds" Thomas Carlyle
# 3 18-02-2010 , 05:52 PM
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Why don't you just use lightwave if that's the assignment? It looks better in the industry if you know how to use a couple different packages, and much worse if you refuse to use any but one.

But yeah, if you can't find the obj exporter in maya, you might have to enable it in the plugin settings.

# 4 19-02-2010 , 08:56 AM
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As a Uni lecturer myself I would not want a student to use something made in a different programme, in fact I would give no marks for that section.

"No pressure, no diamonds" Thomas Carlyle
# 5 19-02-2010 , 11:24 AM
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i know guys it not for want of trying, i have tried to use lightwave but find it very difficult, and r uni lecture to put it bluntly is Shit, he hasnt a clue about lightwave, so how can he expect us to do something in a program he hasnt taught us. thats y i want to do it in maya cuz at least i can produce some work user added image

thanks guys for the help by the way user added image

the more I Think I know about Maya the less I seem to know about it.

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# 6 19-02-2010 , 05:37 PM
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I was going to suggest that you take advantage of the professional instruction but if indeed the instructor doesn't know what he is doing then I have another suggestion, file a complaint about the course because you're getting screwed out of your money.

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# 7 19-02-2010 , 06:50 PM
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Yeah, it's too bad the instructor is not really teaching you how to use lightwave as this would be kind of a twofer since modo and lightwave have almost identical workflows as they were pretty much written by the same programmers.

Lightwave and Modo have a pretty good built-in help system that details how to use just about every tool. Far and away better then Maya's sad help system, that reads like a stereo manual written in latin.

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Last edited by ctbram; 20-02-2010 at 12:09 AM.
# 8 19-02-2010 , 08:09 PM
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I must admit that lightwave was easer to learn then maya, like ctbram said nearly ever tool has a video tutorial. chilledoutredhead if you were to use lightwave and got stuck you could just drop me a line..............dave

# 9 21-02-2010 , 03:14 PM
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thanks guys for the help much appreciated. yea the instructor has been noted and several other classes are filing complaints against him, but as its only a month til the end of our course its of little help if we do get a new instructor! lol.

i hope that i will have more time to study lightwave in its entirity, but considering the time span i would rather use a little cheat in using maya instead of lightwave and actually produce work than struggle through lightwave and produce something abysmal! lol and trust me im not the only one in the class thinking the same thing!

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# 10 21-02-2010 , 03:15 PM
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ps.. so far the .obj exporter has worked really well, i few tweaks in lightwave are needed, but if you ever have to use it, it works user added image

the more I Think I know about Maya the less I seem to know about it.

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