There is no "Extrude Face History" menu item. You go to the channel box and select one of the past extrudes and then you can modify that past extrude. This is what Daverave is suggesting.
I watched the video and I do not know where he is getting that pop up menu. I do not believe it is part of any standard pop up menu in maya. At least I have never seen it.
It looks to me as though he made his own menu and added the "Delete type by History" command to it. That is not "Extrude face history". If you watch the video nothing changes when he selects it! It has no effect on any previous extrudes. In fact at the point he selects the "history" command (which I believe is just edit>delete by type>history", he has not done any extrudes for a very long time.
Yep I just watched it again and he is just adjusting verts and then deletes history and continues translating verts and faces.
"If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." Sir Isaac Newton, 1675
Last edited by ctbram; 23-08-2011 at 11:45 PM.