Hoorahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! I scrubbed through the offset to 4 and boom! no more messed up geometry. You were right, I was doing the divisions, but that's what the tutorial said to do and it worked on all the other bridges. But now in this last pane, I did the offset...1 still gave me the messed up geometry at 1. scrubbing to 4 worked great. Though I still think that constitutes a bug, no?The faces from the bridge appear to be twisted. Scrub the offset control of the bridge node to untwist them. In your video you are adjusting the "Divisions" control of the bridge node which adds more faces between the bridged edges but will not fix the twisting.
And as Gect suggests verify normals and delete history as follows....
Go to the lighting tab and uncheck 2-sided lighting to ensure that the normals are facing the correct direction. mismatched normals will cause the bridge operation to behave unexpectedly.
Also, when you extract faces a group is created along with a tranform node. It is generally a good idea to delete the history on the group.
Also be warned that your boolean has created a hole in the faces with the windows. A hole is a poly face inside another poly face with no connecting edge to the outer edge of the containing face. If you get a message about "... unable to connect to a hole ..." this will be the reason.