I figured out how to move the pivot point but cant figure out exactly where to place itThe original has to be align to the axis, and the pivot point exactly on the edge..
Look through orthographic view and make sure all the vertices are in line. The select the pivot and shift it to the edge of the mesh.
well if no one post in a thread i assume im in the wrong section so post in another sorry im new hereDude, wtf, stop posting 10 threads with the same question!
Place the pivot on the side where you want to the head to mirror. Hold 'v' while moving the pivot point and it will snap to vertex. Or if the centrev of the head is on the grid axis you can hold 'x' to snap to to grid.
okay i must not be getting what you guys are saying cause moving the piviot is making the offset worse not betterDude, wtf, stop posting 10 threads with the same question!
Place the pivot on the side where you want to the head to mirror. Hold 'v' while moving the pivot point and it will snap to vertex. Or if the centrev of the head is on the grid axis you can hold 'x' to snap to to grid.
im at school cant view the video i dont think you guys understand i dont want to snap my vertexs i already know how to do that but i want to make it so everytime i duplicate special it doesnt offset so i dont have to do that everytime i want it to just duplicate and be aligned perfect so i can model still and merge it later1. go to the move properties and make sure "keep spacing" check box is UNCHECKED
2. select all the verts along the center line
3. now snap
screw it....here is a video of what to do lol.....
To snap verts...
v + mmb gesture == vertex snap
c + mmb gesture == curve (edge) snap
x + mmb gesture == grid snap
-When snapping to a plane be sure the move "retain component spacing" is unchecked
-To constrain movement to an axis select the manipulator axis desired and see that it turns yellow.
i just want it so when i hit duplicate special -1 it perfectly lines up and is not away from the other objectThe video will still help. As I understand you want to set up a duplicate special that always duplicates with a -1 scale in some axis. In this case it must always be in the chosen axis and two conditions must be met
1. all the verts along the plane you want to mirror across must be on that plane
2. the pivot for the object must also be on that plane
Both of which are covered in the video
i feel so bad for ranting i got the video to load on my phone and im going to watch it it really is what i need sorry im so impressed with how fast u did this and i thank you very much you guys are amazing it just blows my mind that you actually made the video yourself that fast i thought it was just some random tutorial ill tell you if it works but thank you??? that is what I am trying to tell you how to do!
1. all the verts and the pivot have to be in the plane you are duplicating across! It is not rocket science!
quick question is the video functioning properly because on my phone i see it move for a while and you talking then it freezes but you continue to talk im not sure if its just my fone or not i wont know til i get home thoughnp. you are welcome. Do not feel bad. Even the the simplest of things can be very hard to put in writing such that everyone understands. This is why I prefer to just record videos.
I did not use duplicate special. But if you set it up to say scale -1 in x. As long as the verts and the pivot along the plane you want to duplicate across are all in the same plane then it should work every time.
If you get odd results try freezing the transforms of the object you are duplicating.