Proportionally Moving Edges On Poly
Say I have a standard cube. I then insert an edge loop at the center of the cube. the top face of this cube now has two faces. I now want to select one of the top edges of this cube and move it upwards. Currently, doing this will not effect one of the faces on the top of the cube and will just angle the one face. this I understand. What I would like to know however, is it possible to raise the same edge and have the central edge move proportionally so that you create one continuous chamfered top to the curve that goes from one outside edge to the other. I already know of soft select but the results I'm getting don't put the central edge exactly in the the right place vertically. Hope my explanation isn't too wordy.
Please see image for further explanation.
really appreciate any help
Last edited by jonathanpick; 16-04-2012 at 12:37 PM.