Animation and Axis problem
I'm animating a car, ive rigged the body and controls to a curves which I can then animate the position with. Ive also used a script so that when I move the car using the curve, the wheels turn aswell.
but now...
when I translate the car(lets say) in the z translate, in the layer editor window, the z translate values change.correct!
But when I rotate the car, and then translate the car, i have Z and x translating. im using object move axis, local axis the arrows are pointing in a wrong direction.
The problem comes when I have to smoothen my curves so the car puls off at a slower speed and gains momemtum, then I have edit two curves instead of one, and they have to be perfectly sync or else the car doesnt move straight but has a slight curve. Ive attached images.
i need to help in understanding how I can move the curve in one axis only. also if I select the cars body layer and animate that only then even if I rotate it, it moves in the correct axis.