When I render in Maya 2016 with mentalray I get a black picture
Hi, I am starting with Maya, however I have a problem when I render with Mentalray.
The plugin is activated.
I've placed some boxes in the scene... and then I have an ambient light.
I can see the render perfectly using the default Maya software.
When I render with mentalray I get a black picture...
Sometimes, I got an error message...
// Error: file: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2016/scripts/others/renderWindowPanel.mel line 3059: menuItem: Object 'renderViewmenubarStereoDisplayItem' not found.
Sometimes I get this message...
// Warning: line 1: (Mayatomr.Scene) : output data type "rgba_h" not directly supported by image format iff, conversion performed by mental ray
Why is this happening and how may I solve it?
I'd appreciate your help and patience (I'm starting with Maya)