Sculpting tools problem
I'm a noob. I've created a model of a fish and I need to make some sculpting adjustments. I select my object (in Viewport or Outliner), then go to Sculpting slot in the Shelf, click on an instrument (e.g. Sculpt tool) and when I try it on the fish only small square appears instead of a cursor with selection box when I click and drag on the object (as if it wants me to select an object to work with). But when I create some new object (e.g. Sphere) in the same scene my Sculpt tool takes the shape of a brush (a small cursor circle with a big circle of brush size) and I can sculpt that sphere. Why can't I sculpt the fish then? Why doesn't Maya recognize my fish as an object? Please help!
Last edited by picassolibs; 13-10-2018 at 02:19 PM.