I'm gonna post my thoughts here too! *!!!SPOILERS!!!*
I agree with Mike for the most part but I do have to say that they could have done a better job... A LOT better!
The first hour of the movie was drug out too much! Most of it was important but a lot was not!
Okay Mike said great finale and I agree but it happened too quick! They could have taken some of the film from the fist hour and used it for a better purpose and used it to make the "bad guy" more of a bad guy! They give him these really cool powers and he uses them once then he is destroyed with little effort I'd say! I don't know I kinda want to see it again to see if I really did or didn't like it! I saw a late showing after a very long day and I'm not sure if that had anything to do with my feelings of disapointment! Anyways I just think a few changes and it could have been better but each Filmmaker to his/her own right?!
May the force be with you...always!
A Jedi shall not know anger nor hatred nor Love
The only way to live a good life is to act upon your emotions
A warrior is reborn when he has something to protect