Hello Avi
I've been having diffcult time with a cadlelight I am trying to do for a project. I've learned from observing actual candles that their flames have a particular form and color. The fire in your candle looks as if there's wind blowing it... I don't know if that's what you meant... otherwise, try modeling you fire in the shape of a water drop and add some glow to it... use some blue color at the bottom of the flame...
You should render with raytracing on and make the material of the blue surface to have some reflectiveness (use a blinn or phong texture, maybe, not Lambert...)
I am a begginner also, so don't take my words as completely correct!!
And sorry for my english...
Remember: it's from obeserving things in real life that we learn how to represent it... 
Best regards
<font size="1"><strong>"The hardest thing to see is what is in front of your eyes"