Substance Painter
In this start to finish texturing project within Substance Painter we cover all the techniques you need to texture the robot character.
# 1 22-07-2003 , 05:13 PM
neoarcadia's Avatar
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Newbie's first project-- coffee cup scene

Just thought id post pictures. I don't know if you've read my question in the newbie forum about the best way to smooth it out, but its coming along, thought id post pics of it.

Just kinda started off as the only thing I could think of doing at the moment, now I'm going to create a whole scene for it before i declare it done.

Was thinking for the scene, either re-create my computer desk and monitor (yeah, who hasn't done that one before, right? user added image ) or maybe create this morning type atmosphere and have it sit on a counter next to blinds. Anyway, definately open for some thoughts user added image

As for the cup, since i learned more on UV mapping since that render, I am going to re-do it with some coffee stains maybe, give the reflection some really small wavyness to it, and add, of course, coffee.

First prioject ive done, so let me know if you guys also see anything wrong with it user added image There is an anti-aliasing problem i noticed at the rim of the cup, don't know what happened there

eat the corn--
# 2 22-07-2003 , 05:59 PM
ragecgi's Avatar
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Great job so far m8!

Can't wait to see it "dirtied" up a bit!

Israel "Izzy" Long
Motion and Title Design for Broadcast-Film-DS
# 3 22-07-2003 , 06:05 PM
ckyuk's Avatar
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The cup looks great but it's better when you post images to upload them to the site as to stop things like broken links and they let you add quite large files.

# 4 23-07-2003 , 04:04 AM
Raull's Avatar
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hot can i see a wireframe.

# 5 23-07-2003 , 05:08 PM
neoarcadia's Avatar
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Ill upload a wireframe ASAP. How do we upload pictures? Is it under hosting?

Thanks user added image

eat the corn--
# 6 23-07-2003 , 05:23 PM
neoarcadia's Avatar
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Nevermind, figured it out.. Haha, i may of went overboard on the polys, but yeah..

and while im posting, how do you tell maya to only select faces that are visible to you? For instance, I wanted to select only the outside faces on this cup, but when i drag a marquee it will select all of the ones behind it. Sorry, I read how a while back and forgot. user added image

Attached Thumbnails

eat the corn--

Last edited by neoarcadia; 23-07-2003 at 05:30 PM.
# 7 25-07-2003 , 09:10 AM
Jeppe's Avatar
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hey neoarcadia,

Nice model! your mesh seems at bit dense, esp. around the handle, but then, you might want to go really close user added image

About selecting, I'm not sure exactly want you mean but one way to go about it, is the turn on full backface culling under mesh component display in your attribute editor - I hope that was what you needed!

user added image Jeppe

Jeppe Nygaard Christensen
Ghost aps, Denmark
# 8 25-07-2003 , 03:11 PM
neoarcadia's Avatar
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Posts: 57
Jeppe - Thanks man thats exactly what I needed!

eat the corn--
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