Introduction to Maya - Rendering in Arnold
This course will look at the fundamentals of rendering in Arnold. We'll go through the different light types available, cameras, shaders, Arnold's render settings and finally how to split an image into render passes (AOV's), before we then reassemble it i
# 1 13-10-2003 , 07:47 PM
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Noobie needs expert ...... again!?

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Right, I have a caracter that has two eye's (as you do). I have maid the eye ball and the eye lid. I maid the locator and it works fine.

I then go into Hypergraph and selects the eye and the locator, I duplicated them. The first problem is the second locator doesn't work and when I try and re-connect them it sort of works but doesn't. I can't explain it.

If anyone knows how to sort this problem out I will be very grateful!


# 2 14-10-2003 , 08:35 PM
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im not sure i undertood the "when I try and re-connect them it sort of works but doesn't. I can't explain it." part maybe if you elaborate...

# 3 14-10-2003 , 08:39 PM
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When I try and link the eyeball to the locator, the eye follows the locator differntly than the first one.

I was hoping I wouldn't have to reconnet, I was hoping that the duplicate would copy that information as well.


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Last edited by Tim_LIVID; 15-10-2003 at 10:05 AM.
# 4 14-10-2003 , 08:57 PM
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easy path: duplicate just the eye, create new locator cosntrain it normally... it should work just as the frist

hard path make sure the hypergraph is showing you all the chain of nodes involved in the setup (dunno how the button is named right now...) and then duplicate em all, checking with the original chain to see if theres something wrong in their connection

# 5 14-10-2003 , 08:59 PM
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I have my Eye ---> Ball ---> eyelid ---> ect. I shoud higlight them all. Copy them and make a new locator and constrain them as normal.

Cheers for that, I will tell you if it works.


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# 6 14-10-2003 , 10:42 PM
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I copyed the eye, and then created the second locator. Attached the copyed eye to the new locator and ....... well, the results were not what I was hopeing for.


P.S. I don't know how to have a picture display in this bit so i have put it as an atachment

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File Type: bmp dammit.bmp (540.5 KB, 273 views)
# 7 14-10-2003 , 10:52 PM
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Originally posted by Tim_LIVID
P.S. I don't know how to have a picture display in this bit so i have put it as an atachment

attaching is the way to go to have a picture box. if you attach a gif or jpeg then it will be displayed within the post - and they are smaller size. remember there is a lot people here on modem ...

# 8 14-10-2003 , 11:03 PM
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Also remember that you can go back and edit your replies rather than posting a new one for each little thing you want to say.

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# 9 14-10-2003 , 11:10 PM
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Hi Tim,
Admittedly, it is difficult to follow the workflow. Have you considered where the center pivot is on each of the objects, including the group node. That is important. Also, you may need to "group the group" in order to provide a free node for the transformations that will occur between the overall head constraints and the eyeball group. Do you know how to change the pivot point? (just toggle on the "insert" key to move the pivot point on any node, make the adjustment and toggle off the insert to get out of component mode). Are you rigid binding the eyeball to a joint that is in the location of the eyeball group? I think that the problems that you are encountering have to do with the grouping issues though. Hang in there. I know that it can get frustrating.

# 10 15-10-2003 , 10:25 AM
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That's the thing, the first eye was a simple as pie to make. I had a ball. Gave it the eyeball look. Made the locator and aimed the eye to the locator, then I make a bigger ball with the front missing (like Pac-Man I guess) for the eye lid. Grouped them, then just put in a lattice deformer to adjust the look of it.

All I wanted to do was stick the eyes to the head at a later date, the tutorial I am working from say's "select both rightEye group node and the locator1 node". Dulicate them, it says I should have something called "Upstream Graph" turned on. I think he must have an older version of Maya cos I can't see that in the duplicate option box

I am running Maya Unlimited 5.0

P.S. Sorry about the long message, I wanted to ive as much information as possible so you guys could he me.


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# 11 15-10-2003 , 04:55 PM
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It's problems like these that make me draw cyclopses LOL.

Try deleting history if no one has said that yet, then duplicate

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# 12 15-10-2003 , 09:55 PM
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ROFL, good plan!

I tried deleting the history and still the same results. I am going to admit defeat .... im going to make the second eye from the start again user added image

I was thinkning that some of the copy options might have something to do with the problem.


# 13 16-10-2003 , 02:14 AM
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When you duplicate, make sure you're duplicating the upstream graph as well. Just a thought.

# 14 16-10-2003 , 10:25 AM
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Right, I don't like the idea of makeing a whole another eye just cos I can't figure out how duplicate works.

You, like my tutorial mentioned duplicating the upstream graph. As this pic shows, I don't have that option.


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Last edited by Tim_LIVID; 16-10-2003 at 07:02 PM.
# 15 16-10-2003 , 12:28 PM
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probably cause it's a BMP and 500k in size user added image make it into a jpg and you should be fine


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