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Search: Posts Made By: Rollie
Posted By Rollie On 31-10-2011 | Views: 1,810 Replies: 1
Hi SM forum.

I'm looking into using 3D space to develop a 2D game and video platform. I would like to use a similar method to South Park in that I move the limbs and expressions around on the...
Posted By Rollie On 30-05-2011 | Views: 1,702 Replies: 0
Hey forum

I'm shooting a short introduction clip of a 2D animated character following a pan across a 3D environment. So far I have been exporting .tga/.png clips from Flash but I find it's quite...
Posted By Rollie On 01-05-2009 | Views: 1,114 Replies: 1
Ok so I have my first official paying job with a company from the states. I've been asked to tell how many hours I've spent so far on the model along with my hourly rates. I wanna give an...
Posted By Rollie On 13-04-2009 | Views: 2,809 Replies: 0
Hey forum, been having some dilemmas with the move tool in Maya. It seems that whenever I select and try to pull a vertex, the one parallel to it will pull with it, on the same axis. Here's a pic:...
Posted By Rollie On 02-10-2008 | Views: 2,760 Replies: 6
lol no.
Posted By Rollie On 01-10-2008 | Views: 2,760 Replies: 6
I'm sorry but you are dealing with a noob here. I remember accidentally deleting ALL by type > history. Is that the problem? If so, how to reverse?

Edit: Cool, figured it out. You just saved my...
Posted By Rollie On 01-10-2008 | Views: 2,760 Replies: 6
Hey forum, had a slight problem with Maya.
I've been making some polygon objects from simple shapes like squares and cylinders, as that's my preferred way to model. However, I can't seem to access...
Posted By Rollie On 11-08-2008 | Views: 6,529 Replies: 4
Wow dude thanks for the tip. I had tried all that and explored the prefs earlier but that prompted me to look at them again. All I had to do was click "Restore to defaults" and they all came back....
Posted By Rollie On 11-08-2008 | Views: 6,529 Replies: 4
Thank you for the tip but that's not the problem. The top line of panels is torn off. Here's a screenshot with a seemingly related warning in the output:

Posted By Rollie On 11-08-2008 | Views: 6,529 Replies: 4
Hey again. Didn't want to make a whole new thread for every problem I come across so I'm editing this one.
On this file I'm working in, the side view in four panel mode is vanishing. I tried to...
Showing results 1 to 10 of 34