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Search: Posts Made By: Mike45450
Posted By Mike45450 On 15-02-2010 | Views: 25,852 Replies: 5
Have you tried selecting both edges at once and doing the bevel?
Posted By Mike45450 On 03-02-2010 | Views: 2,794 Replies: 4
Hi all,

I was wondering what's the best set up to use if you want to create decent looking soft shadows? Nothing insanely detailed or realistic, just some basic shadows that look nice and won't...
Posted By Mike45450 On 31-01-2010 | Views: 2,036 Replies: 1
Hi, I have a scene where it's a large area set in a school play yard, and then off to the side I have an actual classroom. The yard is obviously a very large area compared to the classroom, and it's...
Posted By Mike45450 On 23-01-2010 | Views: 2,330 Replies: 2
Hi all,

i'm trying to create hair on a character by creating simple curves on the head and assigning a hair system to the curves, but it seriously is tedious creating/duplicating curves and...
Posted By Mike45450 On 19-01-2010 | Views: 2,889 Replies: 1

I was just wondering how you add a particular shader you've made as a default shader, so that every time you open Maya it's available, even in a new project or something?
Posted By Mike45450 On 25-04-2009 | Views: 1,590 Replies: 0

I'm trying to animate a character walking up a hill that has varying levels of steepness, but i'm not sure how to go about it. my previous walk cycle was done by animating it on the spot, then...
Posted By Mike45450 On 09-12-2008 | Views: 1,675 Replies: 6
As gster said, just add more points. More points = more control. I made this incredibly quickly with a nurbs circle that had 15 control vertices. You could probably shave a couple of them off and...
Posted By Mike45450 On 08-12-2008 | Views: 2,896 Replies: 6
Ah, sweet, it's working now! Thanks so much!

What I was doing was ungrouping it from the body and deleting the history, but that just caused the skeleton to detach from the body. Instead I...
Posted By Mike45450 On 08-12-2008 | Views: 2,896 Replies: 6
Unfortunately I already tried that and it didn't work.
Posted By Mike45450 On 08-12-2008 | Views: 2,828 Replies: 4
Well do you really need it to be wavy? I mean i'm assuming it's a motionless cup of coffee, so there isn't going to be any 'waves'. My advice would be to just go with the circular plane option and...
Showing results 1 to 10 of 13