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Search: Posts Made By: petersrin
Posted By petersrin On 28-04-2013 | Views: 2,113 Replies: 0
I need to add these plants to a live-action scene where the character reaches through/behind them and pulls out a baby. All of this except the plants were shot practically. I am not hugely proficient...
Posted By petersrin On 15-03-2013 | Views: 6,855 Replies: 2
Never mind, HumanIK defaulted rotation values to Quaternian. As a temp fix I switched them to Euler, but how would one best work with Quaternian if you wanted to keep the default HIK settings?
Posted By petersrin On 15-03-2013 | Views: 6,855 Replies: 2
But they WILL switch to Step tangents... interesting.
Posted By petersrin On 15-03-2013 | Views: 6,855 Replies: 2
I keyframed a few joint controls on my rig, and the translate values have nice smooth auto tangents, but the rotation values are all stuck on linear. I've restarted, imported to a new scene,...
Posted By petersrin On 09-10-2012 | Views: 3,455 Replies: 6
I'm gonna be doing that for Episode 2. Now that mr director man finally feels like he can trust my shots. That's why I had to render them one at a time :O
Posted By petersrin On 08-10-2012 | Views: 15,910 Replies: 23
If shutter offset is already -90 you shouldn't have an issue entering a negative. That's the value you're talking about, right? Or is this a comparison of your work workstation vs your home one?...
Posted By petersrin On 07-10-2012 | Views: 3,455 Replies: 6
The other key is that I learned something I didn't know about my operating system that will come in handy in other ways too.
Posted By petersrin On 07-10-2012 | Views: 3,455 Replies: 6
I considered that. The key here is that I was losing a lot of time by hitting render and not returning immediately once the render was complete. And due to the nature of the directors process, I...
Posted By petersrin On 05-10-2012 | Views: 3,455 Replies: 6
Totally happened. I learned about Windows Setting Affinity (in the task manager>Processes>Right Click where I can determine which threads any software uses, so I set MR batch render to use 6 threads,...
Posted By petersrin On 20-09-2012 | Views: 4,555 Replies: 7
Interesting. I switched back to surface shader just to see why it was giving me the outline and found my answer here:...
Showing results 1 to 10 of 229