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Search: Posts Made By: gazzamataz
Posted By gazzamataz On 11-01-2015 | Views: 7,751 Replies: 10
Nice model so far but it needs some specular and if you feel up to it some sub surface scattering :-)
Posted By gazzamataz On 09-01-2015 | Views: 3,281 Replies: 1
Here is something I started a few years ago but never really finished... So I thought I would revisit it since I want to brush up on my Maya skills.

Alien Walk...
Posted By gazzamataz On 09-01-2015 | Views: 3,227 Replies: 3
Forum: Animation

To make this work properly you need to track the footage (if it is footage) and then from the track create a 3D scene with the table and put your character on it. Create a light to match...
Posted By gazzamataz On 27-12-2012 | Views: 3,442 Replies: 1
Forum: Animation
I am trying to animate a ribbon bow untying itself using splines with extrusions and I am having great trouble creating the knot. Does anyone here know of any good tuts out there that will help me?
Posted By gazzamataz On 23-06-2008 | Views: 2,337 Replies: 7
So I might be better off with Windows XP 64-bit?
Posted By gazzamataz On 22-06-2008 | Views: 2,337 Replies: 7
Hi all

Been a long time since I posted anything here but I have been pondering my next system.

I thought I would go Vista 64-bit version with Maya 2008 and the opportunity to add large amounts...
Posted By gazzamataz On 06-03-2008 | Views: 37,493 Replies: 4
Forum: Animation

Go to your animation preferences and set your tangents to 'Clamped' for Default in tangent and 'Stepped' for Default out tangent. That should do it.

Well, it's what I use anyway :-)
Posted By gazzamataz On 06-03-2008 | Views: 1,862 Replies: 1
Forum: Animation

Pole vector contraints are useful for elbows and knees.

This is how I use them. First create your joint chain, in the example shown I have created a simple leg. Then create an ikRPsolver...
Posted By gazzamataz On 18-09-2007 | Views: 15,566 Replies: 81
Nice work mate and great seeing it for sale on TurboSquid.

How did you render it anyway? HDRI? Ambient Occlusion? I know you used mental ray but I have never learnt how to do this.

My only...
Posted By gazzamataz On 18-09-2007 | Views: 97,195 Replies: 239
Nice work so far but you could make it better by putting some weighting into the characters walk. He walks as if he is being helped along by a helping hand kinda thing. He also looks a tad stiff as a...
Showing results 1 to 10 of 500