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Search: Posts Made By: foldedpaperbird
Posted By foldedpaperbird On 16-03-2012 | Views: 25,760 Replies: 13
Ah, thanks.. I will look up some tutorials on that. That would make things a lot easier.

Hmm well, the "game" is just a virtual world that takes .dae files. I have uploaded a ton of mesh...
Posted By foldedpaperbird On 15-03-2012 | Views: 25,760 Replies: 13
Because the game I am exporting it onto works best that way.
..for this particular object.
Posted By foldedpaperbird On 15-03-2012 | Views: 25,760 Replies: 13
Here is the model; it is extremely simple.
2 Spheres, a cube, and a cylinder.

I'd like to use separate textures on each of the spheres, the cube, and the cylinder.
This is a single mesh object...
Posted By foldedpaperbird On 15-03-2012 | Views: 25,760 Replies: 13
Thanks for that, now I know I do not need to move the UV shells. That was twisting my brain!

So it seems then that the unique materials I assign are what is going to let me texture...
Posted By foldedpaperbird On 15-03-2012 | Views: 25,760 Replies: 13
Thanks for the tip! But i'm still at square one.

A "shader" and "material" are the same thing right?
If so, I have assigned distinct materials to each of the 4 unique mesh objects prior to...
Posted By foldedpaperbird On 14-03-2012 | Views: 25,760 Replies: 13
After hours of googling for information, I have succumbed to needing a helping hand!
Bear with me... Despite the information I was able to find, I am quite confused:

I have 4 different mesh...
Posted By foldedpaperbird On 07-03-2012 | Views: 7,364 Replies: 15
Ok the issue ended up being this:

In the 'reverse normals" option settings, mine were set to "Reverse user normals"
but needed to be set to "Preserve user normals direction"

Now I am getting a...
Posted By foldedpaperbird On 07-03-2012 | Views: 7,364 Replies: 15
Thank you,
I followed your steps and did the test, and I did see it turn from black back to the normal lights.
Though when I upload to game, the model is still grey.
Im beginning to think...
Posted By foldedpaperbird On 06-03-2012 | Views: 7,364 Replies: 15
ha, that worked! Thanks. I will read this:)
Posted By foldedpaperbird On 06-03-2012 | Views: 7,364 Replies: 15
Well, it seems like you guys are right about the issue being "inverted normals"
I asked around over on the game area too and got the same response.

Thing is, I froze transformers after reversing...
Showing results 1 to 10 of 17