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Search: Posts Made By: thewrongvine
Posted By thewrongvine On 17-06-2015 | Views: 7,095 Replies: 4

Turning off the Raytrace Shadows made it work, I think. If I turn off the Raytrace Shadows, I get the result I want - like how it is with Maya Software. But for some reason, I need to keep...
Posted By thewrongvine On 17-06-2015 | Views: 7,095 Replies: 4
K, here's the scene:

I'm in Maya 2014 so not sure how the settings will differ. Thanks!
Posted By thewrongvine On 16-06-2015 | Views: 7,095 Replies: 4
Okay, so I've got a random question for something I'm testing out. Simple scene, I just have a helix as a test object and I've applied the default Light Angle Two Tone shader onto it, and created a...
Posted By thewrongvine On 13-02-2015 | Views: 3,573 Replies: 3
Yeah, I guess just certain viewers aren't reading the pixels correctly, since they turn out fine when I am editing them. Strange... thanks for the replies!
Posted By thewrongvine On 11-02-2015 | Views: 3,573 Replies: 3
Whenever I render an image out as a .tif, it gets all squished and compressed on the file's preview icon and like on default image viewers. But if I open it in photoshop or upload the image...
Posted By thewrongvine On 22-09-2014 | Views: 4,723 Replies: 1
I've been learning and practicing how to create fires, watching a lot of tutorials and whatnot. So at this point, I've successfully created a fire that emits from an object for example, but I was...
Posted By thewrongvine On 12-08-2014 | Views: 5,743 Replies: 2
Ah, yeah I actually watched that already ha xD

I learned a lot from that, so thank you for the tutorial. So yeah, I'm using your guide as like the basis for the exhaust, but I'm still struggling...
Posted By thewrongvine On 12-08-2014 | Views: 5,743 Replies: 2

I am trying to create some type of jet exhaust / fire effect. Something like this, for example:

Posted By thewrongvine On 03-08-2014 | Views: 11,535 Replies: 11
The darkness looks fine to me lol.

Can you play around and find an intermediate with the settings that Dave gave, somewhere in between the two images?
Posted By thewrongvine On 30-07-2014 | Views: 7,686 Replies: 6
Ha, I considered that. I researched like all the cheap/DIY ways to get a good mirror ball, but I figured, if I'm going the cheap route, might as well get the best of the cheap xD

I guess I will...
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