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Search: Posts Made By: BabyDuck
Posted By BabyDuck On 24-03-2011 | Views: 33,260 Replies: 111
dave, i like the new nose better than the old one. it is still rather large, and it should be, but does not look like it is swollen any more. you done a great job detailing the rest of the face - and...
Posted By BabyDuck On 23-03-2011 | Views: 8,839 Replies: 10
i found the 3rd and the 7th just the other day bay accident (not through here). that is really amazing what alex roman does there. even the few non-cg elements blended into the movie slick as sh......
Posted By BabyDuck On 22-03-2011 | Views: 33,260 Replies: 111
awesome progress dave. i like his stupid look on his eyes that is scary. but honestly, maybe he should look into the camera or away somewhere where his nose is not the main subject. right now it...
Posted By BabyDuck On 21-03-2011 | Views: 5,866 Replies: 9
other alternative to use ibl would be a surface shader on the plane and use mib_fg_occlusion and turn the cars and image primary visibility off. not a real shadow since it is only ambient occlusion,...
Posted By BabyDuck On 20-03-2011 | Views: 13,100 Replies: 18
for releasing the "cloth" couldn't you use a spring constraint on the left and right corner? then you just set keys for the springs stiffness. let left one go to 0 at 100 and right one at frame 200. ...
Posted By BabyDuck On 20-03-2011 | Views: 23,451 Replies: 10
thank you for finding that. it is a nice plugin. been playing with it a bit today and its very useful :bounce:. fair warning though - it is very sloooooow once your model reaches a lot of faces. wish...
Posted By BabyDuck On 18-03-2011 | Views: 23,451 Replies: 10
sry, i don't understand. how does this make the extruded faces having the same normal direction and keep the faces together? is the extrude be done w/o keeping faces together? and if so how do you...
Posted By BabyDuck On 18-03-2011 | Views: 4,843 Replies: 6
you are using max, correct? the tut dave mentions is unfortunately maya specific.

here is a tut for global illumination in max you might be interested in to show the character nicer:...
Posted By BabyDuck On 18-03-2011 | Views: 23,451 Replies: 10
no that would not solve the problem. when maya extrudes with "keep faces together" it actually does extrude the faces seperate and merges the verts afterwards in the center.

modo does it...
Posted By BabyDuck On 18-03-2011 | Views: 6,911 Replies: 5
wouldn't you just have to load all renderpass images into multiple layers and not position them by hand? don't have photoshop myself but found this:

Showing results 1 to 10 of 500