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Search: Posts Made By: DukerX
Posted By DukerX On 04-03-2007 | Views: 723 Replies: 0
I'm looking for that neat ten by ten grid that has different numbers and colors in it. I've seen several ppl using it in the past but I can't seem to find that texture.. Maybe it should go into the...
Posted By DukerX On 20-02-2007 | Views: 5,177 Replies: 27
Looks really sweet already, but it shares some issues I find with many of the MECH style robots beeing designed. Pysics...
Alot of people seems to forget these big machines are really heavy. THere...
Posted By DukerX On 20-02-2007 | Views: 11,505 Replies: 50
Really cool model. Still, it wouldn't hurt putting some more detailing on the railgun and some of the plain faces on it.

The animation looks weird, really... Think his legs are too much apart in...
Posted By DukerX On 06-12-2005 | Views: 1,796 Replies: 4
Forum: Maya Modeling
This indeed looks like detatched edges/vertices.

Try dragging a selection square across a single poly vertice in the problematic area, and examine the channel editor.
You shouldn't be surprised...
Posted By DukerX On 30-11-2005 | Views: 1,482 Replies: 1
Forum: Maya Modeling
I'm in the mood for modeling a spacedoc or space station or something in that fashion. Have been for the last year, but you know...
I have a totlly cubical engineering mind, and love when things are...
Posted By DukerX On 30-11-2005 | Views: 3,116 Replies: 12
Forum: Maya Modeling
Absoluteley true, but I think it would work on the case the OP is having trouble whit.
If it cuts too much, you can just go and delete the unwanted edges and vertices. Laborous, but it works :)
Posted By DukerX On 30-11-2005 | Views: 2,479 Replies: 5
Forum: Maya Modeling
I think that for any boolean functions NOT to zap your polys, you need to have the poly objects intersect whit eachother.
For mixing up the...
Posted By DukerX On 30-11-2005 | Views: 3,116 Replies: 12
Forum: Maya Modeling
My experience whit booleans is that it's best done whit history tured off, or deleted right after the operations.
Seems like in my case, booleans and history don't mix.

Instead of using spli poly...
Posted By DukerX On 30-11-2005 | Views: 2,424 Replies: 4
Forum: Maya Modeling
Make sure you have the "modeling" menu enabled, and drop down the "Edit Polygons" menu, and it should be right there.
Posted By DukerX On 29-05-2005 | Views: 1,897 Replies: 0
Forum: Animation
I have some objects I want to move along a closed curve path. This is simple enough. THe problem is when the objects reach the end of the path. Then I want them to start over from the beginning of...
Showing results 1 to 10 of 99