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Search: Posts Made By: Zagan
Posted By Zagan On 03-01-2005 | Views: 1,651 Replies: 5
Try moving the green points on the side they are probably overlaping or not right at least.

The other way is to do it by hand bit it'd only be the same sort of thing as moving the points around.
Posted By Zagan On 03-01-2005 | Views: 3,668 Replies: 5
The toy story movies have texture stretching in them, the texture looks blurly and stuff.

Texturing will come down to how you want to do it, UV mapping is one way there's are other ways some are...
Posted By Zagan On 03-01-2005 | Views: 3,668 Replies: 5
Nurbs have seprate parts, the same as polys.

In polys you have 3 different parts.

Vertex (Dots)
Edges (Lines)
Faces (flat)

In nurbs you have the same thing but they are different names...
Posted By Zagan On 02-01-2005 | Views: 1,651 Replies: 5
Maybe you need to adjust the texture by moving it or streaching it a bit, I don't know how you'd do this in maya but take a look through the texture panels for.

number next to U, W, and rotate? U...
Posted By Zagan On 02-01-2005 | Views: 2,097 Replies: 4
Try checking out about MEL, that stands for Maya Embebed Language, or in other words scripting.

No idea how you'd do what you want but that would do what you wanted if you can script it, then...
Posted By Zagan On 02-01-2005 | Views: 4,217 Replies: 14
Could try converting it to nurbs or sub-divs.

The cartoon dog tute does this heaps of times fliping from nurbs to ploys over to sub-divs then back to polys then back to sub-div then back to nurbs.
Posted By Zagan On 02-01-2005 | Views: 3,668 Replies: 5
Well for maya Nurbs is the way to go, as nurbs is the main thing for maya.

Polys were added later for maya so polys won't be up to the same standard as nurbs in maya, not sure about sub-divs.
Posted By Zagan On 02-01-2005 | Views: 2,762 Replies: 8
The other half is always there until near the end where he cuts the dog in half.

He turns x-ray on/off all the time though, that's probably whats tricking you.

The was the first thing I seen...
Posted By Zagan On 02-01-2005 | Views: 2,788 Replies: 9
Best thing you can do is go out and buy a book for maya, I got "The complete referance for Maya 6"

I havn't done much but from reading parts of it so far it's a good book that will really help...
Posted By Zagan On 02-01-2005 | Views: 3,136 Replies: 7
I'm assuming this is for unreal game engine.

If your making a map then use the seprate unreal game map editor that will make your game map.

You have to basicly crave out a game world then you...
Showing results 1 to 10 of 12