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Search: Posts Made By: graphik
Posted By graphik On 26-07-2005 | Views: 1,637 Replies: 1
as far as i know, the curve determines both the "life" and "death" state of the particles.

i suppose you could "fake it" and have a particle emitter stationed at the end of the the curve and just...
Posted By graphik On 26-07-2005 | Views: 2,152 Replies: 3
i am working on an animation that requires, an india ink bottle be knocked over and for the ink to flow outward and spread across the table in a controlled manner...

...would it be possible for...
Posted By graphik On 12-07-2005 | Views: 6,133 Replies: 6
for the blast to go around the logo select the explosion particles, shift + select the logo and set them to collide. just a thought really, i rather new to dynamics and particles myself.

Posted By graphik On 03-05-2005 | Views: 1,854 Replies: 3
im not quite sure how to "inflate" geometry in maya, however to "push' the airbags out of the way you can apply and key a series of deformers that can shape the geometry to your liking...just a...
Posted By graphik On 02-05-2005 | Views: 1,646 Replies: 1
there is sequence where my objective is to shatter a glass pane...but the shards do not disperse, they collide with the collision object but dont go any further than a few units, and then they just...
Posted By graphik On 15-04-2005 | Views: 2,864 Replies: 3
applying a radial field will cause the pieces to disperse in all directions... can also turn the shards into active rigid bodies and by colliding them with other polys you can control the...
Posted By graphik On 08-04-2005 | Views: 1,570 Replies: 1
if i understand this correctly the shatter doesnt acutally do anything to the polys except to break it up into individual have the pieces actually move you could try applying a force to...
Posted By graphik On 08-04-2005 | Views: 1,517 Replies: 0
the scene is a computer monitor whose glass pane gets blown outwards due to an explosion that occurs inside the actual monitor...

...i've gone about it all sorts of different ways such as applying...
Posted By graphik On 08-04-2005 | Views: 2,174 Replies: 5
as it stands...this is what the composited shot looks like...
Posted By graphik On 08-04-2005 | Views: 2,174 Replies: 5
thanks alot man...i will definetly give that a try.
Showing results 1 to 10 of 18