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Search: Posts Made By: niasyn
Posted By niasyn On 06-09-2005 | Views: 2,401 Replies: 13
honestly I was wondering about all the photoshop post-render stuff myself. I can make something hideous then completely recover it in photoshop, but for these challenges I'd rather get it all done in...
Posted By niasyn On 29-08-2005 | Views: 24,589 Replies: 171
What about using an image map to shape the lights a bit? I think your scene is awesome, btw! But maybe it's a little too detailed? Like there's so much on the screen to look at, yet no where to focus...
Posted By niasyn On 14-08-2005 | Views: 3,000 Replies: 11
Thanks! It's for the national weather service, I'm trying to model out all the different weather cycles I can come up with for a presentation. I've got rain and snow done, now i've moved on to forest...
Posted By niasyn On 13-08-2005 | Views: 3,000 Replies: 11
I just saw the new doom trailer and I think I saw a snippet of that FPS sequence you were talking about, looks awesome!!
Posted By niasyn On 11-08-2005 | Views: 3,000 Replies: 11
Thank you!! You are a genius! I was just very used to the way 3d studio handled opacity, it's going to take me a while to get used to maya. Thank you again for all your help, this was driving me...
Posted By niasyn On 11-08-2005 | Views: 3,000 Replies: 11
Blast, I thought it had worked, but then, nothing! I've tried targas, tifs and jpegs.. As soon as I click on "use image sequence" I get this error "Warning: Texture file C:/images/rain/rain 001.jpg...
Posted By niasyn On 11-08-2005 | Views: 3,000 Replies: 11
Awesome! Thanks that worked out perfectly.

On a totally different subject, can you give out any hints about the Doom movie?!? :bandit:
Posted By niasyn On 10-08-2005 | Views: 3,000 Replies: 11
I'm making a minature landscape model focusing on a natural water cycle and I've just figured out how to add in an animated movie texture for my rain..

But now when I try to make it transparent,...
Posted By niasyn On 09-08-2005 | Views: 45,407 Replies: 241
wow, i just noticed the jeebus pic too, that's awesome. Are you gonna add more clutter to the floor too? Like puddles or broken bottles or wadded paper? This scene is looking fantastic!
Posted By niasyn On 05-08-2005 | Views: 45,407 Replies: 241
I mean like, it looks like he's clutching at something, but if he was dead, wouldn't his hands hang more, like his hands would be pivoted more towards the ground, due to gravity. Like what you did...
Showing results 1 to 10 of 32