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Search: Posts Made By: SilverBlood
Posted By SilverBlood On 26-01-2014 | Views: 8,258 Replies: 6
I managed to get the interaction that I am seeking with 2 ncloth both set to be quite rigid, altho I cannot seem to get it to work with a Passive collider tho....

Tabletennisball bouncing...
Posted By SilverBlood On 22-04-2013 | Views: 3,038 Replies: 2
Thanks for the reply, I tried doing what you said, and indeed I get Colored particles now. However when I render in Hardware, particles that get close to eachother, mix the colors. (I'm using the...
Posted By SilverBlood On 18-04-2013 | Views: 3,038 Replies: 2
Hi all,

I've imported a simple realflow bin sequence into maya, and want to use the RGBpp to color the particles using a ramp, but they don't get any colors, and it seems like it only follows the...
Posted By SilverBlood On 19-03-2013 | Views: 8,258 Replies: 6
I tried making it a ncloth mesh with a high rigidity, and even pressurized it, but I just can't get it to bounce like a normal tabletennis ball would, I seem to be losing way too much energy at the...
Posted By SilverBlood On 19-03-2013 | Views: 8,258 Replies: 6
Hi everyone,

Quick question for you guys out there. Is there a way to make active rigid bodies influence and be influenced by a Ncloth object. I am working on a table tennis scene, and want the...
Posted By SilverBlood On 22-02-2013 | Views: 2,657 Replies: 1
Hi everyone,

It's been ages since I've posted anything on this forum, yet I can't think of a better place to actually post a question that has been bugging me.

I've been trying to create a...
Posted By SilverBlood On 06-07-2012 | Views: 3,720 Replies: 1
High all,

I'm working on an animation with a sword, and when I do the unsheathing, it all works fine.

The moment when my sword is fully drawn, and I start to rotate it down for a slash, ( I...
Posted By SilverBlood On 27-06-2012 | Views: 3,051 Replies: 3
Ok, I think I've managed to fix it.
After the first 4k particle frames were cached, I cached the Nrigid container, and now it seems to be working fine. I'll keep you guys posted
Posted By SilverBlood On 27-06-2012 | Views: 3,051 Replies: 3
ok, that´s clear. I do however have another issue.

This one is with appending Ncache. When I try to do it (both in Maya 2011 and 2013) something weird happens. If I do it in 2011, maya seems to...
Posted By SilverBlood On 26-06-2012 | Views: 3,051 Replies: 3
Hi all,

I'm working on an animation that includes a giant hourglass, and i'm using Nparticles for grains of sand. I'm currently at 4k frames, and the animation is halfway there (yay).

Showing results 1 to 10 of 130