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Search: Posts Made By: discostu
Posted By discostu On 24-01-2007 | Views: 3,569 Replies: 6
Although I know there are toon shaders available in maya software renderer now. I was trying to do it based on this same tutorial just for theoretical reasons. However, the condition node seams to...
Posted By discostu On 14-07-2006 | Views: 3,057 Replies: 2
Forum: Programming
I don't want to change my project. I just want to bookmark directories. But since maya has no way to do this I wanted to make a shelf button that opens the open file dialog with a specific path.
Posted By discostu On 14-07-2006 | Views: 3,057 Replies: 2
Forum: Programming
I am working on a animation short with a group of about 8 people and we have an area where all the master files are stored. I want to keep my project directory in my home area, but I often want to...
Posted By discostu On 28-05-2006 | Views: 4,840 Replies: 4
Ok, but let's assume that I need to do it with cloth. For example, I'm going to animate someone putting the shirt on.
Posted By discostu On 27-05-2006 | Views: 4,840 Replies: 4
I'm attempting to make a collar on a character using maya cloth (which I will later attach to the remainder of the shirt). I took a picture of a collar to use as a pattern to draw the curves and got...
Posted By discostu On 22-04-2006 | Views: 2,465 Replies: 0
Hi, I followed a tutorial on creating a missile trail with particles ( . It worked fine, but now I have to import it into my scene...
Posted By discostu On 09-11-2004 | Views: 3,860 Replies: 6
yea, I guess my questions are too hard. Thanks for your reply, Ibex. What do you mean by "stay functional"?
Posted By discostu On 09-11-2004 | Views: 5,475 Replies: 2 This seems like a lot of unnecessary work though. Especially because when all the faces are squares you can't tell which belongs to which or in what direction it faces (unless you...
Posted By discostu On 08-11-2004 | Views: 16,231 Replies: 7
A fish eye lens is an extremely wide-angle lens. A "normal" lens for a 35mm camera is 50mm (focal length). A wide-angle lens is less than that (e.g., 28mm). A telephoto lens is more than that (e.g.,...
Posted By discostu On 08-11-2004 | Views: 5,246 Replies: 3
I am working on a model that has a box wrapped in cloth. I tried using Maya cloth, but to this point have not been able to figure out how to "fold" the cloth like a wrapped up gift. I posted this...
Showing results 1 to 10 of 37