Maya for 3D Printing - Rapid Prototyping
In this course we're going to look at something a little different, creating technically accurate 3D printed parts.
# 1 08-02-2004 , 08:50 AM
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 40

eye lid clusters


I made my eyelid vertices into a cluster. I put the pivot point of the cluster in the centre of the eyeball. The eyelid vertices rotate round the cluster fine, but once the head is moved into a new position I encounter problems. If I parent the cluster to the head joint in the skeleton the weights on the cluster seem to double up with the head joint weights of the clustered vertices, which makes the eyelid vertices move out away from the head. If the cluster is not parented to the head joint then the clustered vertices move fine with the head, but the pivot point is left behind and so the eyelid veritces no longer rotate around the eyeball.

Has anyone any remedy for this problem?


# 2 08-02-2004 , 10:52 AM
vladimirjp's Avatar
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select ur character's face (right click and select "input>complete list) then change the deformation order
make sure clusters are 2nd below whatever other deformation u may have on your character.

# 3 08-02-2004 , 03:11 PM
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I just make the eyelids into blendshapes for blinking once i get the lide down.

I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination, knowledge is limited, imagination encircles the world. (Albert Einstein)
# 4 09-02-2004 , 09:00 AM
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Posts: 1
thanks to both.
I tried changing the deformation order but it didnt work. I must be doing something wrong.
If i made the eyelids blendshapes would they not follow a linear path rather than rotating around the eyeball?

# 5 10-02-2004 , 05:50 AM
rhaoosh's Avatar
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When you create clusters, make them "relative" not "absolute".

"Whatever tomorrow brings I'll be there...with open arms, and open eyes" - Incubus
# 6 10-02-2004 , 03:07 PM
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Posts: 40
thanks raoosh.

# 7 10-02-2004 , 05:11 PM
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The blendshapes would rotate fine just make sure you spend the tme to make them look good=)

I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination, knowledge is limited, imagination encircles the world. (Albert Einstein)
# 8 10-03-2004 , 06:37 AM
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check it with concave lenses

# 9 18-03-2004 , 07:30 PM
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you could also make a combination of skinning and a blendshape... user added image

e.g. make 2 joints (parented to the headjoint) in the middle of each eye... to get the arc when closing the lids, the lids should then be weighted to these joints, and a blendshape could e.g. also be used, to make the outer corner's of the eye look right when they are closed... user added image



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