rotating pedal of tricycle
having a small problem w/ my tricycle in challenge. the front wheel and all its parts rotate real well, but i want to have the pedal rotate independenty from the wheel. so it shall move in circular motion, but the same side always looks up. what is the best way to do it?
my ideas so far:
(1) i thought about rotating a locator with the wheel, and constrain it to the pedal. but that might make the pedal rotate itself as the locator rotates (not sure).
(2) a sdk, so if the wheel is rotated some degrees, i use the rotating degree (somehow sin and cos) as driver for the y and x translation of pedal. that sounds like very complicated to fine tune the pedal to stay on the correct place, and it does not guarantee that the pedal looses contact to the bar.
(3) manually rotate the pedal when animating and adjust the wrong rotation caused by the rotation of whole wheel (yucc, i wanted it more automatic - so once set up and when i only do one thing - rotate the wheel - and then maya does the rest like move the tricycle forward, rotate the pedals around wheel but keeping ons side facing up, and rotate the back wheels accordingly - a bit faster though as they are smaller)
how would you do it?