Mudbox poly-count workaround
I have mulled on this idea for a while now and need to know if anyone else thinks it might work.
People seem to prefer ZBrush because it can handle more polys than Mudbox. I prefer Mudbox because of its ease of use. To get around the poly count hurdle, I have thought of a workaround.
Assuming you are working on a person, could you separate the head, arms, and legs from the torso and lay out the UVs for the separated pieces individually and save them as individual .objs. Import these into Mudbox one at a time and subdivide until your computer can't take anymore and sculpt to your hearts content.
To avoid abrupt edges, you could save a ring of polys as a bridge between the pieces and sculpt those with their coresponding pieces, i.e. head piece + neck bridge then torso + neck bridge + arm bridges + leg bridges, etc. After sculpting, export the normal or displacement maps.
Back in Maya, re-connect the pieces and construct a material using the individual maps. What would be the best way to assemble the maps in a material?
It may not even need to be as complex as my example. It's a best, worst-case scenario. Sound feaseable?