Now my dad (yes "my dad" im in college not 12) is purchasing some books for me that are basic knowledge and beyond of the program, but Im not sure when I am going to get my hands on those, and I really want to be off and running when I get the books, so my question is a very simple one,
1) Does anyone know of good sites (besides this one:banana: , ahah I love that) that help with basic stuff, now I dont mean basic do stuff I mean, what tools do what, where I click to do what, like simple draw a polygon, then manipulate it, or well u know the Basic basics... I dont know how to put it clearer due to the fact that I am swimming in my ignorance here....?....
(pauses while laughter subsides.... no really guys... I told u Im hopeless, so any information, towards the common sense basics would be sooo GREAT

I would like to thank anyone who replys, ahead of time, and at the very least thank you for reading the thread.