Maya for 3D Printing - Rapid Prototyping
In this course we're going to look at something a little different, creating technically accurate 3D printed parts.
# 1 20-11-2005 , 04:39 AM
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 203

1970 Dodge Charger

Hi there all,
This is driving me nuts. I found the type of car that I have been surching for, but the problem is 2 reasons.

The first problem is the first car I found was only in birds eye view. see Pic below.

The second problem is that the closes car I could find that has all 4 orthographic views, is the 1970 dodge charger without the air scoop which is what I am really after.

I guess I could search for that piticular air scoop and place it on the one without it but the after googling, I found out that there are so many types of air scoops that the best way to narrow my search down would be to name the type of air scoop I am looking for. However, I don't know the name of it. So my question is this. Has anyone know of a web-site that has all 4 views of the picture below or know the name of the air scoop this is?

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# 2 20-11-2005 , 05:18 AM
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you got 4 orth views of a 70 charger?.. where?.. would love to have them user added image

as far as the scoop... go to holley, or jegs or somewhere.. look at all their scoops, find the one you like.. and model it..
Not too hard of an object to model really.. probably wont even need a ref in maya for it..
when you model the charger, leave a hole in th ehood, in th ecenter.. and drop the intake, supercharger, and scoop into the hole.. Might want to model a bit of the Heads, and what not too....


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# 3 20-11-2005 , 03:59 PM
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Posts: 203

you got 4 orth views of a 70 charger?

yep. The only thing though, it is all in one peice so you would have to slice it up in Photoshop.

would love to have them

sure here you go...

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# 4 20-11-2005 , 04:44 PM
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Sweet sh*t...thanks man.. i apreciate that..
you ahvnet happened to run across any other old mopars have you?...mid 60'd through say 72 or so...

Did you look aroudn on Jegs, and Summit and holley's site yet?...


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# 5 20-11-2005 , 07:27 PM
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you ahvnet happened to run across any other old mopars have you?...mid 60'd through say 72 or so...

well first off I would of recomended but they got rid of their older cars. However 2 other places I have found that has some older cars are as follows...

note... it took me a while but if you look at the very far right side of smcars web site, they have the model type. Once you click on a model's type you can then look through to see if you find anything you like.

Did you look aroudn on Jegs, and Summit and holley's site yet?...

yeah, but I wasn't that happy. There was a lot of today's versions and also hood type air scoops. I am going to see if I can go to a local store to see if I can by the model and then I will reference off that. Nevertheless, thanks anyways

# 6 21-11-2005 , 06:50 PM
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 203
Hi there all,
I wanted to know if legendofzombi or anyone else has tried the above refrence. If so, then my question is, I wanted to know if it is me or any of you who tried the above reference had problems in lining things up. My biggest problem, and I can even see it just by looking at the references, is that the curves of the front view doesn't match with the curves in the top view reference. Does this mean that these refernces are no good or is it still posiible to fix this?

# 7 22-11-2005 , 01:59 AM
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That being a paing and decal guide for a amt model.. Chances are, they wont line up perfectly...I havent had a chance to cut them out and try'm yet myself.. probably be this weekend or so before i do...

I've ran into this problem with cars before.. and i always used the reference to get the basic shape.. Then Eyeballed the fix in it in my perspective view.. Probably be easier with this car then a newer streamlined one anyway... Sharper edges, and coke bottle shape ...

Hope thi shelps you some man..user added image


By the by.. i got some pics of Old Roots Style Blowers, Nothign much orthographic, but alot of good reference, a few different types, and sizes.. if you're intrested PM me....
I'd attach to the post, but.. i woudlnt know which ones you want, and i think Dave woudl kill me for using up that much of his storage space LoL

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# 8 17-12-2005 , 11:24 AM
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run gta ıs car on the colors.... thıs car to cool...thank you works:attn: :attn:

maya works
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